Power BI (7.20.2)

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Power BI (7.20.2)





Power BI Connector: Allow Running Reports Against Facility Groups [m179891]

A Reports folder is now available under Facility Group folders.





Improve Power BI Data Connector Load Times [m182336]

Significantly decreased the amount of time to load a report using the EQuIS Power BI Data Connector.





Power BI Connector Versioning [m184349]

This case updates the Power BI Data Connectors build versions to be inline with other EQuIS versioning methods.





Power BI Connector: Facility Groups Node Not Displaying Nested Facility Groups [m185321]

The Power BI Data Connector has been fixed to display all Enterprise facility groups in the facility groups folder.





Power BI: Change EQuIS.pqx File Connector Code to Use /organizations Instead of /common [m185472]

The Azure Active Directory (AAD) login was changed from AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount to AzureADMultipleOrgs, which increases the number of redirect URLs from 100 to 256.