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Live Date Series Data & Depth Series Data Report: Fix Series Filter [m151332]

The Date Series Data and Depth Series Data reports have been fixed so that the series filter only shows the series for the current facility.





Live Historical Chart Widget: Allow Users to Choose Which Series to Add Remarks [m158472]

Provided tab in the 'Add Remark' dialog that allows the user to choose which series to add the remark.





Live Widgets: Series Missing from Loggers [m175347]

Fixed an issue that prevented non-administrative users from seeing series in the Widget Editor drop-down menus.





Live Agents: Set useNetworkLicenses Default Value to True in .config Files [m175666]

Live - LoggerNet Agent, and File Processor Agent: Set useNetworkLicenses default value to true in .config files. The user will likely have an EQuIS Enterprise Gold (Live), or EQuIS Enterprise Platinum, license, and these are defined in the database.





Live File Processor Agent: Allow dateTimeFormats/timeFormats Settings to Contain Culture Names [m176318]

The Live File Processor agent allows dateTimeFormats and timeFormats settings to contain 'local' and culture names.





Live Historical Chart Widget: Filter Issue When Using Aggregation [m176363]

The Live Historical Chart widget now correctly filters min/max values after performing the summation calculation.





Live Wind Rose Chart: Allow Variable Time Intervals [m177133]

Added option to display wind data for last X number of years, months, weeks, days, hours, and minutes.





Agent Service for Running Live EIA Agents Outside of Enterprise [m177192]

Added support for scheduling/running Live reports outside of EQuIS Enterprise, via a new Windows Service agent.





Set SqlBulkCopy Timeout Equal to Connection Timeout [m177346]

Set the DT_LOGGER_DATUM bulk copy timeout equal to the database connection string's connection timeout property (as entered by the user in the .config file) to allow large amounts of data (e.g., large .dat files for the LoggerNet Agent) to be added to the database.





Live Reporting Agent Date Series Data: Rename UTC+/-##:##:## Column Header Text [m177752]

For the Live Reporting Agent Date Series Data, renamed the 'UTC+/-##:##:##' column header text to 'datum_utc_dt+/-##:##:##'. Included 'dt' so it can be used in the Time Series Chart widget.





Add Live Agent for RBCAA Data [m177986]

Added RBCAA (Richards Bay Clean Air Association) Agent; gets air data from





Live Historical Chart Widget: Remarks Remain Visible When Series Is Hidden [m178336]

Fixed an issue where the remarks remained visible when series were hidden.





Live Agents: Add Support for Flags Array for Air Monitors [m179375]

Added support for Flags array in the Live Air Monitors Agent. (Air Monitors is removing the 'Status' string and replacing it with the 'Flags' string array, in API version 3.5.)