EnviroInsite (

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EnviroInsite (





Streamline Queries for Handling Large Databases [m162998]

Improvements have been made in EnviroInsite to increase performance when connecting to large databases.





Calculate end_depth Using the EQuIS.Lithology Function [m170063]

EnviroInsite has been updated to calculate end_depth using the EQuIS.Lithology function.





EnviroInsite - Enterprise File Package [m171873]

To run EnviroInsite reports from EQuIS Enterprise EZView widgets, additional files must be added to the Enterprise bin folder. The required files are packaged (EnviroInsite_Enterprise_package_x64_{#}.zip) and available on the EarthSoft Community Center Downloads page (products > EQuIS EnviroInsite). Contact support@earthsoft.com for assistance.





EnviroInsite - Log Designer Updates for Geotechnical Schema [m178056]

EnviroInsite boring logs have been updated to include fields for Geotechnical data when the Geotechnical Schema is applied in EQuIS.