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Navigation:  Release Notes > EQuIS 7 > Build 18257 (Sep 2018) >






Touch UI - Support Subset of System.Windows.Forms Controls [m80814]

Added support for TouchUI on Forms, Add Task, Add Location, Data Input and Alert Error Window.





Add Task Section to WaterLevelTableForm/SampleTableForm/FieldSampleForm [m138338]

Task Section added to the Setup of WaterLevelTableForm, SampleTableForm and FieldSampleForm.





Location Filter [m140941]

Added a filter in the mini location chooser.





Configure EDGE - Reports [m142349]

The EDGE Field EDD report, part of the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.40338.dll, has a new feature: "Export latest Sample End Date". Upon generating the report and loading it into EDGE, in the FieldSample_v1 section, the “sample_start_date” is populated with the latest “sample_end_date” records already existent in database for the selected location.





Configuring Probe Hotkeys on Tabs through Probe Interface Manager [m142590]

A new feature was added, where the Logger interface can be opened by shortkeys.





Implement Grammatically Correct Read Only and Footnote Notations [m143390]

Updated Footnote and Read Only text to be grammatically correct.





Avery Label Support [m144356]

Edited support for printing Avery Labels from the COC export.





Outdated Link in ReadMe.txt for Config Format [m146319]

Updated help link in EDGE ReadMe and EDGE Enum files.





Water Levels Tab - Copies Location_v1.custom_fields to WaterLevel_v1.custom_field [m153372]

Fixed an issue where creating a water levels record in the Water Level tab copied over the values in Location_v1.custom_field_{X} into the same custom fields in WaterLevel_v1.





COC Manager > SPM Groups Show Only One Contract MAG [m153645]

If multiple SPM Contract Method Analyte Groups (MAGs) were organized from the same EQuIS MAG, the EDGE COC Manager would only show one of these groups in the Add Unscheduled Samples > SPM Groups window. This has been fixed.





Configuration Format - Readme File Needs To Be Updated [m153862]

Updated Help link in EDGE ReadMe and EDGE enum files.





FieldSampleForm - Lab COC Section MAG Checkboxes Will Not Clear ContractMagSPM_Bottles.chain_of_custody [m154033]

A new feature was added, which deletes COC mag ID if the containers are added then removed.





COC Manager - Remove SPM-Planned MAG, Containers Will Not Re-Add [m154034]

Fixed an issue where removing an analysis via Field Samples tab resulted in the containers not exporting through EDP. Now, removing an analysis via COC Manager, reversibly removes an SPM-planned MAG and its associated container data.





Change Intelligent Bar Message Indicating That Backup Folders Are Not Set [m155297]

Updated intelligent bar messages related to Auto Backup.





Testing All Available Loggers [m159257]

Fixed an issue where, when the Horiba logger data was imported, columns were not showing in the field_data_logger tab.





Resubmitted EDGE EDDs Generate "Cannot be inserted into child table dt_chain_of_custody_mag_member" Error [m159829]

Created a check for a COC_Analysis_v1.chain_of_custody_mag_id value that already exists in the database based on the keys of dt_chain_of_custody. If found, that ID will be assigned to incoming rows. This prevents errors when resubmitting an EDD.





Add Horiba direct connection to EDGE 7 [m160036]

HoribaU50 was added to the live loggers supported in EDGE.





COC Template Folder Missing [m160655]

COC Template files and folder were re-added to the EDGE folder.





Sketch Icon Appeared In Both Home and Form Ribbons [m160657]

eSketch button was removed from Home tab as it was redundant with the same button in Form tab.





"formation_type" Enum Was Missing From the Enumerations List [m160660]

Re-added FormationType enum to EDGE.





EDGE - German Resource Fix [m161063]

Fixed problem with EDGE starting when local set to German.