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Collect (





Add Active Property to Data Table Mapping [m148223]

Fixed an issue in the "Active" property of the table mapping, where the mapping would not honor this property.





Mapping Symbology Support [m157629]

Added symbology support for Collect dashboard mapping based on an attribute of the feature.





Load Formats from DT_FILE [m157644]

Collect now supports opening of formats that are stored within DT_File.





New Form Facility List [m157808]

Facility selector in New form page honors what is selected in Enterprise dashboard.





Pre-populated Forms [m158025]

Added the ability to generate pre-populated forms on the server.





Improve Map View for Various Screen Sizes [m159260]

Added the ability to choose where to show the map layer buttons. Added the ability to filter layers by layer attributes.





User Report Save Button Not Working [m159339]

Fixed a bug when making changes to a user report, clicking the Save button indicated the changes were saved. However, when reloading the user report, changes were not saved. The user report saving has been fixed.





Data Mapping Performance [m159738]

Template edit page performance improved.





Editing Collect Dashboard - "Cancel" and "Save" Obfuscated by Widget Header [m160015]

Collect title bar will not overlap dashboard edit controls.





Stablilization Functions Updated [m160102]

Stabilization functions have been changed to receive 4 or 5 parameters. If 4 parameters are passed, then the functions are calculated so that any rows after the current row being evaluated for stability are not checked in the stability calculation. The optional 5th parameter is a Boolean, which if set to true, will force the function to process all rows to determine the stability condition.





Collect User Groups API Calls [m160247]

The performance for loading user groups in Collect was increased.





Portuguese Brazil Language Issue [m160253]

Multi-language support has been implemented to display data to the user in his/her language while storing in the common US-en culture.





Case Function Modification [m160266]

CASE function updated to work through comparison of parameters or condition.





JOIN Function Added [m160270]

New JOIN aggregate function added, combining values from all rows into a single delimited string.





Report Saving [m160421]

Report saving was improved. The "Save as" dialog box stays open until the user report has finished saving. The "Ok" button is disabled and a message displays in the "Save as" dialog box stating it is saving. When the user report finishes saving, the dialog box closes.
When the server finishes updating a user report, a message pops up at the bottom of the screen prompting it has finished saving.
When deleting a user report in the load user report dialog box, the delete button is replaced with a deleting user report message. When the user report is finished deleting, the message will disappear.





Connection and License Issues [m160567]

Fixed an issue where the Enterprise license was not being accepted to open formats within Collect (Enterprise license should include a EDP license).





Issue Mapping Multi Image Field Type [m160829]

Fixed an issue associated with using the multi image field type. When using this field type, the mapping process failed while trying to create an EDD. Now the mapping process is successful for the multi image field type.





Android Version 9 (Pie) [m160924]

Updated Collect to work with latest Android 9 (Pie).