Collect (7.20.2)

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Collect (7.20.2)





Collect Enterprise: Data Preview on Reports Page [m151550]

Added ability to preview reports on the Reports page before downloading them.





Collect Enterprise: Check Template for Build Consistency When Loading [m175824]

When uploading a template in Collect Enterprise, an error message will be generated if the template was created with a later build of Collect.





Collect Enterprise: Add Time to Date Column on Data Forms Page [m176657]

Added Time to Date Column in the Collect Data Forms page.





Collect: Remove Unused Attributes for Formula Fields [m177041]

Removed Required, Editable, Persistent and Default attributes from Formula fields.





Collect Enterprise - Template Designer Page: Prevent Other Users Changing Status or Deleting Templates Being Edited [m178897]

Users will not be able to change status or delete a template on the Template Designer page when the template is being edited by another user.





Collect Mobile (Windows): App Crashes When Orientation Changes [m180436]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 11094: Fixed issue that caused the Windows app to crash when the device orientation changed.





Collect Enterprise: Add Report and Mapper Log Preview to Pre-Population Window [m181116]

Added ability to view and/or download report results when selecting reports for pre-population. The mapper log can also be viewed and/or download in the pre-population window.





Collect Mobile: Improve File Handling [m181317]

Added independent and asynchronous file handling in Collect.





Collect Enterprise: Add "Rename Group" Button for Group Selector Field Type [m181616]

Added "Rename Group" button for Group Selector field type when designing/editing Collect templates.





Collect Enterprise: Add Ability to Validate Templates Prior to Publishing [m181728]

Added a Validate button to the Form Template Layout page to ensure that the template does not contain errors. Templates need to be valid before publishing.





Collect Mobile: PDF Report Not Showing Huge Images [m183479]

Fixed issue where large file size images would not display in a PDF report.





Collect Enterprise: Add "Clear All" Button to Logger Setup Window [m183578]

Added a new "Clear All" button on Logger Setup window of the Template Designer page to easily remove all values from populated fields.





Collect Enterprise: Value Section in Formula Builder Not Allowing Character Entry Required for Mapper Variables Feature [m183915]

Fixed ability to add quotes to values in the formula builder.





Collect: Add New Functions and Device Metadata [m184179]

Added device information to metadata including platform, operating system, and application version. Also added RAND, CEILING, FLOOR, RANDSTR and GUID functions to facilitate test data generation and general processing.





Collect Field EDD Report: Subfacility Parameter Not Working [m184380]

Corrected Collect Field EDD report to export subfacilities.





Collect Mobile (Windows): Bar Code Scanner Not Working to Filter Forms [m184468]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 11094: Fixed issue with camera permissions on UWP.





Collect Mobile (Android): Does Not Work with Android 10 [m184512]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 11094: Increased Android version to work with Android 10.





Collect Enterprise: Data Forms Page Report Optimizations [m184514]

Improved performance of report production on the Collect Enterprise Data Forms page.





Collect Mobile: Form Not Saving After Editing a Multi-Image Field or a Multi-Select Forms Field [m184535]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 11094: Fixed an issue that prevented a form being save after editing either a multi-image field or a multi-select forms field.





Collect COC Report: Add DT_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_NAME in Analysis Table [m184540]

Added support to show "Sample_Name" column in Sample Analysis table of the Collect COC template.





Collect Enterprise: Mapper Ignores Bad Table Mappings [m184781]

If data mapping used in pre-population or when uploading forms to the server contains mappings to non-existent target tables, the data mappings errors are ignored and output to the log file. Users should review the mapper log file to verify correct data mappings.





Collect - eCOC Report: Added Barcode for Containers and EIA Support [m184864]

Added Barcodes tag for Container and added support to run this report as an EIA.





Collect Mobile (Windows): Crash When Disconnecting from Internet [m184948]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 11094: Fixed issue with map control location and connection.






Added Equipment_Location section to COLLECT_INSPECTION format. This section maps to the AT_EQUIPMENT_LOCATION table.





Collect COC Report: Add Time to Sample Date [m185064]

Added support to show sample time in Sample Analysis table in Online COC template.





Collect COC Report: Add Field Results in Sample Analysis Table [m185224]

Added support to show field results data in the sample analysis table of Collect COC report.





Collect Mobile: Not Scrolling to Last Edited Item After Closing Edit Parameter Dialog [m185380]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 11094: Fixed issue with scroll position in parameters list after save.





Collect: Add Function Validation Process [m185527]

Added formula validation methods to the Collect model.





Collect Mobile: Form List and Login Issues When Disconnecting from Internet [m185646]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 11094: Fixed connectivity issues.





Collect Field EDD Report: Always Show loc_name, loc_desc and loc_type on Activity Tabs [m185747]

Modified the activity related tabs in the Collect Field EDD report to always show loc_name, loc_desc, and loc_type from the DT_LOCATION table.





Collect Mobile: Change Signature Background [m185748]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 11094: Replaced signature background image.





Collect Enterprise: Improve Performance of Data Forms Page [m185964]

Improved performance of the Data Forms page on the Collect dashboard.





Collect Enterprise: Resubmit Data on the Data Forms Page [m185975]

On the Data Forms page, added the ability for administrators to correct pushed data using another template.





Collect: API Public Method Issue [m186032]

Removed invalid Swagger documentation for 'apicollect/template' endpoint.





Collect Enterprise: Formats with Spaces Causing Issues [m186036]

Fixed bug within Collect Enterprise where formats with tables that contained spaces would not show any fields.





Collect - Boring Log Map Report: Specify if Report is an EnviroInsite Boring Log [m186117]

Modified the "Collect - Boring Log Map" report to include an option to specify whether it is an EnviroInsite Boring Log.





Collect Enterprise: Error with Download Data / Generation of Data Forms Through Report [m186235]

Fixed an issue where Collect not create an EDD or download raw data if the forms data was created by the Forms Generator report.





Collect Enterprise: Focus Moves to Bottom of Form When Copying Field [m186327]

Fixed an issue where the scroll would jump to the bottom of the page when moving fields on a form in the Template Designer page.





Collect Enterprise: Reduce Time to Load Format Fields in the Template Designer Page [m186407]

Improved performance when editing a form in the Template Designer page. To reduce loading time of format fields, any fields in the format with lookup values do not retain the lookup values. The field will be added to the form as a string.





Collect Mobile: Add Sort Attribute to Table in Reports [m186495]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 11094: Added sort attribute to table in reports.





Collect Mobile: Implement Missing Features for Combine Fields [m186530]

Added error and warning messages and visibility updates when clicking apply on combined fields.





Collect Field EDD Report: Include MAGs Without Bottles [m186563]

Collect Field EDD report now includes MAGs without bottles in the SPM_Sample_Containers sheet.





Functions: Add Sorting to JOIN and DISTINCT Functions [m186817]

Modified the DISTINCT function so it sorts the values returned. Modified the JOIN function to add a sort criteria.





Collect Enterprise: Add Timer, Form, and Multiselector Fields to Combine Fields [m186831]

Added timer, form, and multiselector fields to the combine field option in the Template Designer.





Collect Field EDD Report: Add TASK Parameter from DT_TASK Table [m187097]

Added Task parameter in Collect Field EDD report to include non-SPM tasks in the output.





Collect Field EDD Report: Do Not Place Invalid LATLONG Coordinates in Geolocation Field [m187157]

The Collect Field EDD report will only include valid LAT/LONG coordinates in the geography fields.





Collect COC Report: Add Parameter to Include Container and MAG in Sample Row [m187210]

Added support to the Collect COC report layout with single container per sample. Added sequential numbering, holding time, and COC ID barcode for all COC layouts.





Collect Mobile: Forms Is Cleared When No Access to Server [m187446]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 12108: Fixed issue that cleared Forms list when Collect goes offline.





Collect Mobile (Windows): Sideload Package Not Installing [m187485]

Fixed an issue that prevented Collect from installing on Windows 10 version 1803.





Collect Mobile (Android): Problem Adding Files from Local Storage [m187606]

Fixed issue on Android 10 to allow selection of files from internal storage.





Collect Mobile: No longer Displays User's Current Position [m187622]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 12108: Fixed an issue the user's current position was not displaying on the map.





Collect Field EDD Report: Update Output [m187797]

Added intake depth and contract method to the report output.





Collect Enterprise: Formula Builder Jumps to Value Tab When Adding Function/Fields [m188018]

Formula builder stays on function/field tab when adding function/field.





Collect: Culture Issue When Generating EDP File [m188027]

Updated Collect to support creating EDDs in the culture defined by the application configuration.





Collect Mobile: Probes Error When Displaying Parameters [m188327]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 13126: Fixed issue where some devices connected to a logger can cause the probe parameter screen to crash.