Collect (7.20.1)

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Collect (7.20.1)





Collect Enterprise: Filter Button on Map Page Disabled Until Map Loads [m160792]

On the Map page, the filter button is disabled until the map loads.





Collect: Security and License Issue [m175808]

Fixed an issue where admin Enterprise users can use Collect without an explicit Collect license.





Collect Enterprise: Disable "Manage User Groups" for Non-Admin Users [m175882]

Non-admin Enterprise users will not see buttons for creating new User Groups.





Collect Enterprise: Improve Template Designer User Interface [m175988]

Improved the user interface in the Template Designer to make adding and sorting fields easier. The Form Setup details are now in a left pane, providing more screen space to view and edit fields on the form. Field type icons were added to each field allowing users to easily discern the type of field.





Collect Mobile (Windows): Support all Probes Currently Supported in EDGE [m177320]

Collect Mobile on Windows 10 supports the following probes via a serial or USB connection:
* Horiba U50 (e.g., U-51, U-52, U-52G, U-53, U-53G)
* Hydrolab HL (e.g., HL4, HL7), S5 (e.g., DS5, DS5X, MS5)
* In-Situ (includes serial/wired connections now, not just Bluetooth)
* YSI 6-Series (e.g., 556, 6600V2, 6820, 6920), EXO (serial only, not Bluetooth), ProPlus





Collect Enterprise: Improve Status/Download Dialog on Data Forms Page When Form Not Assigned to a Format [m177445]

Update to the appearance of the status/download dialog when data form has no format.





Distinct Function: Improved Performance [m177786]

Increased the performance of the Distinct function.





Collect Enterprise: Facility Specific Templates [m178450]

Collect templates can be filtered by selected facility or facility group.





Collect: Error When Zipping Files [m178686]

Fixed an issue where the zipping process for files was not being handled correctly (fixed IFileProvider for parameterFileData).





Collect Enterprise: Improve Search Tab in Formula Builder Window [m178937]

Minor changes to the Search bar in the Formula Builder window.





Collect: Add Missing Parameters in Validation Process [m179135]

Created additional checks to data files to clear or add parameters so they always match the corresponding template. This is mainly a support feature.





Collect Enterprise: New Move Field Icon/Dialog for Ordering Fields in the Template Designer [m179173]

To facilitate moving fields around on long forms with numerous fields, the move up and move down icons for each field have been replaced with a move field icon that will open a dialog for moving the field.





String Functions Misclassified as Other [m179211]

Several string functions were classified as "Other" in the Formula Builder window. Moved string functions to their correct function group.





Collect Enterprise: Add Swagger Documentation for Collect REST API Endpoints [m179227]

Added Swagger documentation for the EQuIS Collect API endpoints.





Collect Enterprise: Improvements to Add Groups Window in Template Designer Page [m179243]

Made improvements to the Add Groups window in the Template Designer page to provide warning messages to users before taking irreversible actions.





Collect Enterprise: Date Filter on Map Not Working [m179586]

Filtering map by date works with the advanced filter control.





Collect Enterprise: Add Culture Information to EDD Generation Log [m179654]

Added user cultural information to the mapping messages in the EDD Generation Log.





Collect Enterprise: Update Action Button Name When Downloading from the Data Form Page [m179770]

When downloading form data, the latest chosen value for the Actions button in the Status/Dialog window is maintained.





Collect: Engineering Field Type Error Gives Different Messages on UWP/Android [m179790]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 19326: Fixed language resource issues for default language.





Collect Enterprise: Add Warning When Field Setup Is Incomplete on Template [m179843]

While designing templates, a warning message will be provided if field(s) are missing information that would cause errors on the Mobile app.





Collect Enterprise: Modified User Groups Page [m179932]

Modified the User Groups Page to improve management of field staff and user groups.





Collect Mobile: Cannot See Help Files Attached to Fields in Collect Enterprise [m179992]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 19326: Fixed a sizing issue with the Collect Mobile interface that prevented users from seeing help files attached to fields on a form.





Collect Enterprise: Template Version Number Increments and Duplicate Name Changes [m180017]

Improved how the version number is incremented when copying a template.





Collect Mobile (Windows): Sound Field Not Working Correctly [m180087]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 19326: Fixed an issue related to the microphone permissions.





Collect Enterprise: Support for Multiple Loggers/Probes [m180175]

Display user friendly names of logger and logger units in the Logger Setup screens.





Collect Mobile: Support for Multiple Probes [m180176]

Added support for multiple loggers on UWP. Added a logger bar that contains the last three probes connected to the device to allow users to quickly navigate between probes. A Logger tab was added to the Settings Menu.





Collect Mobile: Numeric Keyboard in Spanish Does Not Show Comma [m180360]

Resolved an issue where numeric keyboard in Spanish did not display comma.





Collect Mobile: Hangs When Reporting an Error [m180409]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 19326: Fixed an issue where the Collect Mobile app hangs when sending an error report.





Collect Mobile (Android): Crashing When Taking Photo for Multi-Image [m180442]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 19326: Added a validation request for camera permission when accessing the gallery on Android.





Collect Mobile: Crashing When Entering Large Number [m180458]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 19326: Fixed an issue where Collect would crash when entering huge numbers in decimals or integers.





Collect Mobile (Windows): Crashing When User Saves in Date Fields [m180813]

Collect Mobile Hot Fix 19326: Fixed a bug in Windows version of Collect Mobile where the app would occasional crash after entering a date/time field and returning to the form overview screen.





Collect Enterprise: Pre-Population User Report Error [m181099]

Fixed a bug when using aggregate functions in pre-population with user reports that produce a single table output.





Collect Mobile (Android 9): Drawing Field Crashes Application [m181111]

Fixed an issue with Collect Mobile on IOS crashing when no image is taken when sketching in the Drawing Field.





Collect COC Report: Added User Interface Parameter to Show/Hide Individual Containers [m181152]

Added a user interface parameter in the Collect-COC report to show/hide individual containers in the header of the Sample Analysis table.





Collect Field EDD Report: Cannot Have "Only Selected Locations" Enabled and SPM Task Set [m181153]

Collect Field EDD report now runs with "Only Selected Locations" enabled and SPM Task set.





Collect Enterprise: Template Generation from an Excel File [m181179]

Added a new feature to the Template Designer to generate a template from a Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) file.





Collect Mobile: Provide Share Option on Attachments Screen [m181194]

Added ability to share attachments through email, messaging applications, social media, and other media/applications on the users mobile device. The Attachments screen on a form now has a Share button, allowing users to download or print the output.





Collect: Merge Issues with Form Type Fields [m181394]

Fixed issues when synchronizing data in forms that utilize Form lookup fields.





Collect: Issue with Non-ASCII Characters in an Unencrypted Format [m181594]

Fixed a bug where Collect could not generate EDDs with a format that contained non-ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) characters.





Functions: Added JARRAY [m181779]

Added a new JARRAY aggregate function to help build JSON arrays. The JARRAY function is also available in EQuIS Link.





Added Collect-eCOC Report [m181808]

Added Collect-eCOC Report to the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.149680.dll file. The Collect – eCOC report returns Chain of Custody (COC) data exports based on data from Collect forms to an XML file.





Collect - Field EDD Report: Add Option to Refine Logic to Find Latest Sample [m182283]

Collect - Field EDD report has additional options when checking the DT_SAMPLE record for the maximum date for a matching SYS_LOC_CODE and a Task Code.





Collect Field EDD Report: Add Historical Reference Elevation as RefType [m182531]

Added Historical Reference Elevation from the DT_WELL table to the reference types in the Collect Field EDD and EDGE Field EDD reports.





Collect Enterprise: Add Warning to Logger Setup When Auto-population Would Clear Set Values [m182609]

A warning message will be displayed when using the Autopopulate button will potentially override manually set fields on the Logger Setup screen.





Collect Enterprise: Add Variable Attribute Feature to Data Mapping [m182684]

Added a Variables attribute to the table level mapping. The Variables attribute can automatically create multiple data rows from a single source row and change the mappings as specified for each data row. This feature is also available in EQuIS Link.





Collect Enterprise: Double Clicking Save Template Button When Creating New Template [m182914]

Ensured that when creating a new template double clicking the Save button will only create one template.





Collect Mobile (iOS): Dark Mode Cannot See Typed Characters [m182927]

Fixed an issue viewing characters in IOS dark mode.





Collect Mobile (iOS/iPad): Sharing Is Not Working [m182941]

Fixed an issue sharing in iOS.





Collect Mobile: Form Corrupted if Collect Closes While Non-Unique Record Started [m182949]

Fixed an issue opening forms with invalid data sets.





Collect Mobile (Android): Remember My Credentials Not Working [m183052]

Fixed an issue with toggle button (remember my credentials) on Android platform.





Functions: Added DELAY [m183167]

Added DELAY function.





Functions: Added BASE64 [m183171]

Added BASE64 string encoding function, which takes one parameter and returns its BASE64 string equivalent.





Collect Enterprise: Move Data Sets and Data Mapping Buttons [m183239]

Modified the position of the Data Sets and Data Mapping buttons on the Form Setup section of the Template Designer page.





Collect Mobile: Adding Large Images Crashes App [m183301]

Fixed an issue on the Collect Mobile app when editing and/or viewing large images.





Collect Mobile: Remove Unused PDF Viewer Buttons [m183366]

Removed unused buttons from the PDF Report Viewer.





Collect Field EDD Report: Typos in User Report Menu [m183543]

Corrected spelling mistakes in the user reports interface for the EDGE Field EDD and Collect Field EDD reports.