Alive (7.20.2)

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Alive (7.20.2)





Alive Schema: Add TASK_CODE Field to DT_SURVEY Table [m148105]

Added TASK_CODE to DT_SURVEY with associated Foreign Key to the DT_TASK table in the Alive Schema.





Alive Survey Definition Form: Surveyed Species Tab Does Not Display TAXONOMY_CODE Values with More Than 20 Characters [m165173]

Resolved issue on the Surveyed Species tab in the Alive Survey Definition Form where more than 20 characters would not display for the TAXONOMY_CODE field despite a database limit of 40 characters.





New Reports: Survey Results (By Survey Type) II and Survey Results (Basic) II [m178187]

Two new Alive reports have been added: Survey Result (by Survey Type) II and Survey Results Basic II. These reports have performance improvements and additional functionality (when compared to the original Alive reports).





Alive Schema: Recluster Survey Tables Based on Foreign Key Fields [m184697]

To improve performance of Alive reporting, the CLUSTERED index is changed from the Primary to the Unique key for the following tables: DT_SURVEY, DT_SURVEY_PARAM, DT_SURVEY_OBSERV, and DT_SURVEY_OBSERV_PARAM.