Designing RDL Reports

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Designing RDL Reports

EQuIS Professional does not contain any design tools for RDL reports. If you want to design RDL reports, you must install a third-party RDL editing application on your computer, such as Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 Report Builder. As of the release of EQuIS Professional Version 6.6, Microsoft has not yet officially released the Report Viewer Runtime for 2016 RDL. This means that reports designed in Microsoft® SQL Server® 2016 Report Builder will not work in EQuIS Professional Version 6.6.


If an RDL editing application has not been installed on the computer in use, you will not be able to edit or design RDL reports; however, existing RDL reports (e.g. designed by others and/or published to your EQuIS Database) can be run.


Note: This documentation is not intended to provide information on the technical capabilities of RDL or third-party editing applications.


Run any Tabular EQuIS Report


The dataset(s) in RDL reports must be other tabular EQuIS reports. To begin designing a new RDL report, first open and run the tabular report (e.g. Analytical Results) that you want to use as a dataset for your RDL report.


Create and View RDL


When viewing the table of data (e.g. report grid) generated by a tabular report in EQuIS, there are three buttons related to RDL. The buttons are on the report grid minibar, and use the RDL icon RDL-To do bar-WF(16). Click one of those buttons depending on whether intending to create or view.




Click the primary RDL button RDL-To do bar-WF(16) on the toolbar to view the default RDL report for the current report data. The Report Viewer will open in file mode within EQuIS Professional and display the RDL report.


For continued work with an RDL report, follow the process below:

1.With a third-party RDL editing application installed on your computer, click the RDL button RDL-To do bar-WF(16) on the Report Viewer toolbar to open the newly generated *.rdl file in the third-party application.

2.Make a modification to the report design.

3.Save the changes (in the report builder application).

4.Switch back to Professional.

5.Click the Refresh button on the RDL Viewer toolbar, which will re-render the report based on the design changes you have made.

6.Continue this process of modifying the report in the Report Builder, saving changes, and refreshing in Professional.

7.Preserve the RDL by saving the *.rdl to a known location or by publishing the report.


View In ...


You may have already designed an RDL report and want to view the current data in the existing RDL report. Click the down arrow to the right of the RDL button RDL-To do bar-WF(16) and choose View in ... . You will be prompted to browse to and open an existing *.rdl file. After opening the file, the data in the current report grid will be fed into the existing dataset in the RDL, and the RDL will be rendered in the Report Viewer as a new workspace tab. The current data will be matched with the existing dataset, based on column name.


The Report Viewer will open in file mode. Click the RDL button RDL-To do bar-WF(16) on the Report Viewer toolbar to easily open the *.rdl in the third-party editing application.


This step can be done repeatedly (e.g. to view the same data in multiple existing RDL reports). Each time an existing RDL report is opened, a new Report Viewer Form will appear in a new workspace tab.


Add To ...


For some advanced RDL reports, you may wish to have multiple datasets (e.g. Analytical Results and Water Levels). The current report can be added as a dataset to an existing RDL report. Click the down arrow to the right of the RDL button RDL-To do bar-WF(16) and choose Add to ... . Follow the prompt to browse to and open an existing *.rdl file. After opening the file, the current report will be added to the existing dataset collection in the selected RDL, and the RDL will be rendered in the Report Viewer as a new workspace tab.


The Report Viewer will open in file mode. Click the RDL button RDL-To do bar-WF(16) on the Report Viewer toolbar to easily open the *.rdl in the third-party editing application.


If publishing an RDL report that includes multiple datasets, the parameters of the published report will be the union of all parameters in all of the underlying tabular reports.