RDL Report Viewer

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RDL Report Viewer

This form allows for interaction with RDL reports via Microsoft's WinForms ReportViewer control.


The toolbar displayed in the widget is part of the ReportViewer control and provides functionality such as the following.


Paging: First, Previous, Go to (type in any page number and press <ENTER>), Next, Last

The toolbar may show a question mark next to the total number of pages. This is because pages are rendered as-needed, so the control may not initially know the total number of pages. To compute the exact number of pages, click Last to skip to the last page.


Refreshing: Click Refresh to refresh the report (see following sections for further explanation on refreshing a report),

Printing: Click Print to print the report. Click Print Layout to toggle print layout view in the control. Click Page Setup to edit page settings before printing.

Exporting: Click Save to export the report to Microsoft Excel, Word or PDF.

Zooming: Click the Zoom drop-down to choose the scale at which the report will be displayed.

Searching: Enter search terms and click Find or Next.


This form is used in two modes, Report Mode and File Mode, depending on the source of the underlying RDL report.


Report Mode


Report Mode is used when a RDL Report has been published to the database (or the *.rdl has been saved to the facility's work folder). When an RDL Report is selected in the report chooser, the form will first show the parameters3 for the underlying tabular1 report(s). Select the desired input parameters (or a saved User Report), and click Go. The ReportViewer control is then displayed, with the RDL Report rendered, based on the data from the underlying tabular1 report(s).


In report mode, Refresh will hide the ReportViewer control and display the input parameters. Select different input parameters and click Go, at which point the ReportViewer control will be displayed again, with the updated data based on the latest input parameters.


File Mode


File mode is used when a RDL has not been published to the database, but is being used to view data from a tabular1 report that is already open in the workspace.

In file mode, the toolbar has an additional button RDL_16 at the left side of the toolbar (top-left corner of the form). Hover the mouse over this button and the tooltip will show the path to the *.rdl file that is currently being shown in the viewer. Click this button and EQuIS Professional will attempt to open the *.rdl file in the associated RDL editing application2 installed on the computer in use.


In file mode, Refresh will rerender the report with the same tabular data originally used, based on any changes that have been made to the *.rdl file using a third-party editing application. The editing application and EQuIS Professional can both be kept open while iteratively editing the report (i.e. in the editing application). Click Refresh to view the report.


1 The DataSet(s) within a RDL Report must be tabular EQuIS report(s) (e.g. Analytical Results II). A tabular EQuIS report is any report that produces a table/grid of data (i.e. EarthSoft.Common.Reports.IGridReport).

2 Editing *.rdl files requires a third-party editing application (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Report Builder) that needs to be installed separately on the computer.

3 If the RDL Report contains multiple datasets (each must be a tabular report), you will see the union of all input parameters for all of the underlying tabular reports.