Non-English Language Settings

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Non-English Language Settings

The Additional Language Files option contains multilingual resource files required to run EQuIS in additional (non-English) languages.


Available Languages include the four listed here.


Spanish (Español)

Portuguese (Português)

German (Deutsch)

French (Francais)




If none of these additional languages are to be used, EarthSoft recommends not installing these optional files.


Windows 10


If using Windows 10, follow the instructions below.


1.Go to Settings > Time & Language > Language.

2.Choose the desired Windows display language.




3.Go to Settings > Time & Language > Region.

4.Choose the matching Regional format.




5.Review/edit further format information via the following options:

a."Change data formats" or

b."Additional date, time & regional settings", then Region > Change date, time, or number formats, which will open the Region window as pictured below. Click Apply and then OK to save changes.

