SPM - COC Report

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SPM - COC Report

Report Name: SPM - COC Report (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.72317.dll

Dependencies: Licensed SPM and SPM Schema

Software: SPM

Source: SPM install

Language: English

Output Type: Excel1


Description: The SPM – COC Report returns Chain of Custody (COC) data exports based on data from the SPM COC Manager.


Installation Instructions: This report requires a licensed SPM and the SPM Schema applied to the database. For SPM usage, no additional steps are necessary. For Enterprise usage, this report should be published to the database. The report will be available for selection once it has been published.


Overview: The report uses a Microsoft Excel template (XLS or XLSM) to generate an XLS or XLSM output file. A template example file (COC_Template.xls) can be found in the SPM install folder under the COC Template subfolder. The Excel template can be customized to add logos, hide or show columns, and much more, as detailed later in this article. Refer to the Import COC Template for COC Report article for information on how to add a template.


Note: Microsoft Excel does not allow an XLSX file type to have an internal macro code, which the template has, and thus is not an available file type.





Report Parameters

Plan Code

Parameter to select the sample plan code. Only plans with applicable tasks are shown.

Date Range


Select a start date.


Select an end date.

Task Code(s)

Parameter for selecting task code(s). List is filtered to only show task code(s) associated with the selected Plan Code.

Chain of Custody

Choose COC Template

Parameter to select COC template. Can only be aMicrosoft XLS or XLSM file type.

Select COC

Parameter to select COC.

Include Barcodes

Set to True to include barcodes. Default is False.


1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.