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Form Name: Location

File Name: N/A

Software: EQuIS Professional

Source: EQuIS Professional install


Description: The Location form is available to add coordinate data to existing or new locations.


Installation Instructions: The Location form is included with the EQuIS Professional installer. No additional steps are necessary.



To use the Location Form for adding coordinate data to existing locations, follow these steps.


1.Open EQuIS Professional.

2.Select Forms.

3.Select Location.

4.To edit existing database locations, open the Location Type by selecting the [+] sign.

5.Highlight the specific location.

6.Update Location Information, Location Identifier, and Drilling Information using the upper portion of the form.

7.Select the Add... DT_COORDINATE button on the bottom of the form to add coordinate data.

8.Input coordinate information and Save.


Note: When entering coordinates as Latitude/Longitude, the X_COORD field should be populated with the Longitude value. The Y_COORD field should be populated with the Latitude value.