EDGE Results and Calibration Report

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EDGE Results and Calibration Report

Report Name: EDGE Results and Calibration

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.40338.dll

Dependencies: Licensed EDGE Module and EDGE Schema, EarthSoft.Reports.Library.50943.dll

Software: EDGE

Source: EDGE install

Language: English

Output Type: Report Grid1


Description: This report lists calibration information collected in the EDGE calibration form along with cross tabbed analytical results. Although this report can be used for field results or lab results, calibration data will only be displayed for field analytes.


Installation Instructions: This report requires a licensed EDGE Module and the EDGE Schema applied to the database. For EQuIS Professional use, copy the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.40338.dll file from the EDGE\reports installation directory to the EQuIS Professional installation folder. For default installations, this directory is C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS. For Enterprise use, this report should be published to the database. When publishing the report, the assembly should be stored in the database. The report will be available for selection once it has been published.






Report Parameters



Parameter for selecting individual locations.


Parameter for selecting location groups.



Select one or more sample types.

Date Range

Section to select the start date, end date.


Select one or more sample matrix.


Select one or more tasks.

Delivery Group(s)

Select one or more sample delivery groups.


Section for selecting the minimum and maximum start and end depths as well as depth unit.

Minimum Start Depth

If a value is entered, only samples that start (DT_SAMPLE.START_DEPTH) above that value will be included. Sample with null START_DEPTH will be excluded.

Maximum End Depth

If a value is entered, only samples that end (DT_SAMPLE.END_DEPTH) below that value will be included. Sample with null END_DEPTH will be excluded.


Select the desired unit for sample depth min/max.

Task Filter


Parameter for selecting department(s).

Monitoring Program(s)

Parameter for selecting monitoring program(s).


Parameter for selecting project(s).

Monitoring Type(s)

Parameter for selecting monitoring type(s).


Parameter for selecting authority(s).

Authority Type(s)

Parameter for selecting authority type(s).

Task Type(s)

Parameter for selecting task type(s).

Priority Ranking(s)

Parameter for selecting priority ranking(s).

Custom Field 1

Parameter for selecting Custom Field 1(s).

Custom Field 2

Parameter for selecting Custom Field 2(s).

Custom Field 3

Parameter for selecting Custom Field 3(s).

Custom Field 4

Parameter for selecting Custom Field 4(s).

Custom Field 5

Parameter for selecting Custom Field 5(s).

Task Code(s)

Parameter for selecting SPM task code(s).



Select one or more test method.


Select one or more fraction.

Column Number(s)

Select one or more column number.


Select one or more test type.

Lab Matrix(es)

Select one or more lab matrixes.

Prep Method(s)

Select one or more prep methods.



Section for selecting whether to filter by Analytes and to select analyte groups.


Selection for report result units.


Select one or more result type.

Detect Flag(s)

Select one or more options for detect flag.

Non-Detect Multiplier

Enter the desired non-detect multiplier value.

Non-Detect Symbol

Enter the desired non-detect symbol ("< ?", "ND", ...).  "?" will be replaced with reporting limit multiplied by non-detect multiplier.

Non-Detect Qualifier

Enter the desired non-detect qualifier (e.g., "U") to have that qualifier override the DETECT_FLAG column.


Select one or more options for reportable result.


Selection for whether the result is validated or not

Reporting Limit

Select which reporting limit you desire to use (reporting_detection_limit, method_deteciton_limit, etc.)


This section contains 5 input boxes for title lines, and an input box for the well type header.


This seciton contains 6 input boxes for footer lines.


Include No Samples Taken?

Checkbox to include no samples taken. Default: False.

Show minimum value?

Checkbox to show minimum value. Default: False.

Show maximum value?

Checkbox to show maximum value. Default: False.

Show average value?

Checkbox to show average value. Default: False.

Show standard deviation?

Checkbox to show standard deviation. Default: False.

Show Analytic method?

Checkbox to show analytic method. Default: False.

Show one location per sheet?

Checkbox to show one location per sheet. Default: False.

Action Level

Section to select action level(s), include action level footnotes (false), bold exceedances (false) and grey non-detects (true).

Water Level

Date Range

Section to select the water levels start date, and end date.


Select one or more tasks

Reported Value

Parameter for selecting which water levels are reported: calculate, corrected_elevation, water_level_elev


This section is available when selecting calculate in reported value.


Elevation parameter used for calculated water levels: historical_reference_elev, measure_datum, surf_elev, or top_casing_elev


Depth parameter used for calculated water levels: calculate, corrected_depth, or water_level_depth



Parameter for selecting reportable_yn.

Additional Fields

Parameter for selecting additional fields.


Activity(s) (Required)

Parameter for selecting one or more EDGE/SPM Activity(s).

Fitler by Result(s)

Parameter for filtering result values.




To run this report, the “Group(s) – Required” parameter cannot be empty. The report used the method analyte group (MAG) code to order the groups on the report, and display the MAG name. For example, it is possible to specify method analyte groups for reporting purposes, with Code values such as "01-Group A", "02-Group B",
"03-Group C", etc. Groups will order based on these Code values, but display with the Description values.

The REPORTING_UNITS field in the RT_MTH_ANL_GROUP_MEMBER table needs to be populated as it is used for unit conversion against the result units.

Action level footnotes are derived from the REMARK field in the Action Level Code details.


1The Report Grid provides additional export options to Excel, Google Earth, Outlook, Shapefile, PDF, Text, Access, XML, or a printer.