Analyte Aggregate vs Location Plot (2d, 3d or Bubble)

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Analyte Aggregate vs Location Plot (2d, 3d or Bubble)

Report Name: Analyte Aggregate Vs. Location Plot (2d, 3d or Bubble) (example1: 2D) (example2: 3D) (example: bubble)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.53583.dll

Report Dependencies: Analytical Results (Aggregate)

Software: EQuIS Professional and EQuIS Enterprise

Source: EQuIS Professional install

Language: English

Output Type: Excel1


Description: The Analyte Aggregate Vs. Location Plot (2d, 3d or Bubble) generates surface 2d contour, surface 3d, or a bubble chart of an aggregation (max, min, avg or sum) of the selected analyte(s) vs. locations. The report uses a saved analytical reports result or a user report.


Installation Instructions: This report assembly is part of the EQuIS Professional installation. No additional installation steps are necessary.



The report also relies on the Analytical Results (Aggregate) (EQuIS function/Procedure Report). Some features are:


Plots can be grouped or placed in one or multiple worksheets by analyte

The number of plots per Excel print page can be defined as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6

Different units of a parameter, if available, are automatically converted to the latest sample unit and any results with failed unit conversions are removed to seamlessly generated plots.


Tables: ST_USER_REPORT and all tables used by the Analytical Results Report.


Report Parameters

Saved Analytical Results Report

Select a saved Analytical Results user report

Aggregate Type

Plot Generals

Plot Type

Select Plot type: surface 2d (contour), surface 3d, bubble

Plot group type

Select how to group plots: none, all plots in one worksheet or by analyte, one worksheet per analyte.

The number of plots per print page

Select the number of plots per print page. Up to 6 per page.

2d or 3d

The number of intervals in legend for 2d/3d

Enter a number of intervals in the legend. Higher number allows more details to be seen.

The number of intervals in x_coord

Enter the number of intervals for the x coordinate.

The number of intervals in y_coord

Enter the number of intervals for the y coordinate.

Deicmals of X & Y Axes

Enter the decimals of the x and y axes.

* This report contains the hidden parameter: The number of intervals in x axis and add Walls for 3d plots.



Report Output

The output of this report is an Excel workbook with 2D, 3D, or Bubble plots.


1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.