Improve Remapping Speed

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Improve Remapping Speed

When using the Remap function after running a report in EQuIS Professional, the speed may be very slow, especially when using a large database and when making a large number of updates. The Remap function may work fine on the first attempt and then time out on subsequent attempts.


Improve Remap Function Speed


The following may help improve the Remap function speed when working with a database of 20,000+ records or a large number of rows. Remapping is time-intensive, and this is especially evident with larger datasets, rows, higher numbers of remapped values, and when making numerous actual updates.


1.Check that RT_REMAP and RT_REMAP_DETAIL remap settings are correct.

2.For faster performance, make sure that only the table you want remapped is open, as the remap executes on all open tables.

3.Include the table name in the remap record instead of using the "*" wildcard, which applies to all open tables/reports, for example:




4.Make sure that only the remaps you want executed are selected.

5.Select the individual remap records in the remap form instead of the parent remap record. Selecting individual remap records will execute only those instead of every remap that belongs to the remap code.

6.The slow speed issue may be resolved with auto-remapping.


Additional Items to Consider


Consider the following items in regard to the speed of performing a manual remap:


Network speed

Amount of RAM on computer

Age and architecture of processor (32 vs. 64-bit)

Number of records/rows

Size of RT_REMAP_DETAIL table