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An ERPIMS button is present in the Plus section of the Data tab in EQuIS Professional. ERPIMS (Environmental Restoration Program Information Management System) was developed by the US Air Force (USAF). Learn more about ERPIMS here.




The ERPIMS Export is included in many EQuIS Professional data packages and requires the ERPIMS EDD format for import and export. Pressing the ERPIMS button in EQuIS Professional will load the EQuIS Data Processor (EDP) for use of this format. There are tables from Groups 1, 2, and 3 of ERPIMS supported within the EQuIS ERPIMS format.


Manual adjustment may be needed, depending on the setup of reference value files and remapping within the RT_REMAP and RT_REMAP_DETAIL tables. Use the following specifications:



EXTERNAL_FIELD of the ERPIMS field name

EXTERNAL_VALUE corresponding to the ERPIMS value

INTERNAL_VALUE corresponding to the EQuIS value


Additional Resources for ERPIMS


ERPIMS Data Loading Handbook


ERPIMS Data Dictionaries