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The EQuIS.exe.config file manages application configuration settings for EQuIS Professional. By default, the filepath is C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS\EQuIS.exe.config for the standard installation, or %localappdata%\Programs\EarthSoft\EQuIS.exe.config for the per-user installation.


An excerpt of this file is included below.


The appSettings remoteFolder, userName, password, updateFrequency, and lastUpdate manage an optional feature for clients wishing to distribute updates from a central location managed by the client. The feature requires that users can modify installed programs and files.


EdpAllowEdit provides the ability to prevent users from modifying EDDs. The default value is True. Valid values are "", "True", or "False".


The useNetworkLicense setting is not included in the standard EQuIS.exe.config file but can be added to the appSettings section, e.g.:

    <add key="useNetworkLicense" value="true"/>



This setting determines how the EQuIS.exe file will search for licenses when logging into a database. Valid values are True, False, and Config with a default value of True. The Config mode requires a connection string entry like the one shown below between the configSections closing element and the startup opening element:





 <add name="databaseConnection" connectionString="Data Source=;User ID=;Password=;Database=;pooling=true;Connection Timeout=600;" providerName="EarthSoft.Common.Data.SqlConnection" />




For details on the useNetworkLicense modes, see the EQuIS License Features page.


Content of EQuIS.exe.config File


The bolded sections below are not included in the standard EQuIS.exe.config file but can be added for useNetworkLicenses licensing configurations.


<?xml version="1.0"?>






 <add name="databaseConnection" connectionString="Data Source=;User ID=;Password=;Database=;pooling=true;Connection Timeout=600;" providerName="EarthSoft.Common.Data.SqlConnection" />



  <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/></startup>


    <add key="DataDynamicsARLic" value="Mathew Weaver,EarthSoft,DD-APN-30-CU01638,H449OMOW9FS4F9U47WM4"/>

    <!-- these values are used for auto update:

       remoteFolder: the URL to check for updates

       userName: the username of the EarthSoft client account

       password: the password of the EarthSoft client account

       updateFrequency: how often to check for updates:  -1=never; 0=always; X=every X days

       lastUpdate: the last time auto update was run on this machine


    <add key="remoteFolder" value="http://support.earthsoft.com/equis/"/>

    <add key="userName" value=""/>

    <add key="password" value=""/>

    <add key="updateFrequency" value="-1"/>

    <add key="lastUpdate" value="1900-01-01 00:00:00"/>

    <add key="useNetworkLicense" value="true"/>

    <add key="EdpAllowEdit" value=""/>

