Enterprise EDP Widgets

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Enterprise EDP Widgets

Enterprise EQuIS Data Processor (EDP) performs all the same checks as either EDP Standalone or Professional EDP, but the entire process may be automated. The purpose of Enterprise EDP is for the automated workflow to receive (via FTP, email, or web) and process Electronic Data Deliverables (EDDs). Enterprise EDP checks submitted data against the business rules of the selected EDD format, the EQuIS database’s reference values, and the existing data in the EQuIS database. If the data passes all these checks, it is automatically loaded into the EQuIS database and available for reporting. If the data does not pass these checks, depending on the check that failed, either the data provider and/or the administrator receive notifications of errors as appropriate.


There are two widgets available to use with EQuIS Enterprise EDP: EDP EDD Upload widget and EDP EDD Status widget. As the name confers, the EDP EDD Upload widget upload EDDs into the EQuIS database. The EDP EDD Status widget displays information about EDDs submitted and processed by EQuIS Enterprise EDP. Users with viewer permissions to a facility and to EDDs will see all EDDs processed by EQuIS Enterprise EDP. Otherwise, users will only see the EDDs that they have submitted.