RDL Report Viewer Widget

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RDL Report Viewer Widget

The RDL Report Viewer widget allows users to view and interact with Report Definition Language (RDL) reports on an Enterprise dashboard. The widget contains Microsoft's WebForms ReportViewer control. The control is setup to render reports in Local ProcessingMode, which means that an external report server (e.g., Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services) is not required.


This widget respects dashboard filters (e.g., the session facility chooser), as long as the underlying EQuIS IGridReport report(s) includes the appropriate input parameter(s).


The toolbar displayed in the RDL Report Viewer widget is part of the ReportViewer control and may be hidden by unchecking the box in the widget properties (see below). The toolbar provides functionality such as:

Paging – First, Previous, Go to (type in any page number and press <ENTER>), Next, and Last.


Note: The toolbar may show a question mark next to the total number of pages. This is because pages are rendered as-needed, so the control may not initially know the total number of pages. To compute the exact number of pages, click the Last button to skip to the last page.


Searching – Enter search terms and click Find or Next.

Exporting – Click the Save button icon to export the report to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, or PDF.

Refreshing – Click the Refresh button to refresh the report.


Widget Properties


To change properties of the RDL Report Viewer  widget, open the Widget Editor by selecting the More Options Ent-More_Options-Icon icon in the upper right corner of the widget to display the drop-down menu and then select the Edit menu option.

Widget Title – By default, the widget title is RDL Report Viewer. The title can be modified.

Widget Color – The color of the widget can be changed using the Widget ThemeEnt-Theme_Color_Iconicon to the left of the widget title.

Height (px) – Enter a number representing the height of the widget (and its ReportViewer control) in pixels. Default is 250 px.

Show toolbar? – Check this box to show the toolbar on the ReportViewer control. Uncheck this box to hide the toolbar.

Report Chooser This control is used to select the report to be used as the basis for the widget. The name of the currently selected report (if applicable) is displayed by default. To select a different report, click the Choose a Report button or name of the report. The Report Chooser will open and display available reports. Select the desired report.


Note: You must choose a published RDL report (see EQuIS Professional documentation for details on designing and publishing RDL reports). If you choose something other than a published RDL report, an error message will be displayed.


Report Parameters – The report parameters can be edited by clicking on the Edit button Ent-Report_Edit-icon to open the Report Parameter Editor for the selected report. A user with editor permission on the selected report may update the report.

Widget Object Editor – To set various appearance properties of the widget, select the Object Editor Ent-Widget-Editor_Properties icon in the widget header to open the Widget Object Editor. See the Widget Editor article for more details.

Help – The Help Ent-Help-Icon icon connects to the online documentation related to the specific widget.

Copy Settings – Select the Copy Settings Ent-Copy_Settings-Icon icon to to copy the settings from another widget of the same type. See the Copy Widget Settings article for more information.

Cancel – Select the Close without Saving Ent-Close_icon icon to exit the Widget Editor without saving changes.

Save – Changes will be applied to the widget by clicking on the Save Ent-Widget_Save-Icon icon. The Widget Editor screen will close after the save operation is complete.