Using ActionLevels Format

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Using ActionLevels Format

The format file is located in the Earthsoft\EQuIS\Formats\EarthSoft folder.

1.Open the format from EDP in Professional.

2.Click on the Professional ribbon.

3.Click on the EDP button in the Export group and select Action Level. This will create an editable EDD with existing data that can be updated in Microsoft Excel or EDP to match.

4.If all new action level data needs to be loaded into the database, a blank EDD can be generated. Click on the Home tab and select Blank EDD in the Tools group.

5.After loading the file as an EDD in EDP, through the Create and Commit process on the Professional ribbon, this data can then be uploaded to the database.



Note: The DT_ACTION_LEVEL_PARAMETER and DT_ACTION_LEVEL_LOOKUP tables inherit the FACILITY_ID from the facility to which the user is connected when uploading the EDD.