Create an MS Word Template

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Create an MS Word Template

Starting with SPM 7.0, there is an option to use an MS Word template to create customized labels, forms, or reports.  This document describes how to create an MS Word template.


The specific use of the template and the EQuIS data available will be described in reports or other instructional topics that have incorporated the use of the MS Word template as an option.


The template can contain static text or images combined with EQuIS data. For example, each sample label can have a static company logo and general instruction combined with sampling data, such as location code and sample id. EQuIS data can be in the form of text or bar codes.


Preparatory Steps:


1.In the process of creating a template, select the output format and also the available EQuIS data. For the output format, determine the page dimension and print areas. For example, when printing to a form containing 8 labels per page, set the page up based on where each label print area starts and ends. This may require a few printing alignment trials using a template with test data.

2.The exact data name is required in the template to pull the correct EQuIS data. For example, in the SPM Labels report, the EQuIS data name in the template must match exactly the Excel output column header names. Read the report's documentation article for more details on how to get the exact names of available EQuIS data to print.


Importing the Template. The completed MS Word template needs to be imported into EQuIS to become available for use. Please refer to the topic Import a COC Template for COC Report on how to import the completed MS Word template. Note that for step 12, refer to the specific report or instructional topic for the PLACE_TYPE column value.


Creating the MS Word Template:


1.Open a blank document and save as a word template.

2.Insert all static text and images in their intended printing places.

3.To insert an EQuIS data:

a.Using the cursor, click the starting print point of the data field.

b.On the menu or ribbon row, select the Insert tab, then find the Explore Quick Parts icon and click the drop down arrow, then select Field.

c.On the Field window, on the Field names list select MergeField.

d.On the Field Properties section, leave the format set to none, type into the Field name box the exact EQuIS data field name (as described above).

e.The Field Options section is optional. If a text descriptor of the inserted data field is needed (e.g. the field name, the column name, or an instruction), check the text to be inserted before or the text to be inserted after box and then key in the text.

4.Repeat step 3 for as many data fields are needed and can fit into the print area. For alignment, estimate the length of the field when placing other data fields on the same line. Note that bar codes will need a bigger square or space.

5.At the beginning of what should be a new label, use directions in Step 3 to add a "<< NEXT RECORD >>" field. This will ensure that the next label is generated with the next data record.



Note: An example file is supplied with EDGE in .\EDGE\Custom Labels\EDGE_Labels5163.docx.