CARStat - EQuIS for CARStat

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CARStat - EQuIS for CARStat

Use the EQuIS for CARStat interface clip0306, which is shown on the Plus section of the Graphics tab, to query and export analytical chemistry records from the EQuIS database for use with CARStat. The resulting text (*.txt) file can then be imported directly into CARStat.


Location Tab


To create a CARStat export file, first select one or more locations shown on the Location tab.




Chemistry Tab


Next, click the Chemistry tab. Define the query in the left-hand side window (e.g. Sample Matrix(es)=SO), then press the Go button to process the query. Once the queried results have been returned, click the CARStat File (.txt)* listed in the Export Files pane. A prompt to browse to the location where this will be saved will display.


For further information on CARStat, visit Discerning Systems.