EQuIS Alive Quickstart

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EQuIS Alive Quickstart

Use the following steps as a checklist for the EQuIS Alive workflow:

1.Install EQuIS Alive. Be sure to install a version that is compatible with the rest of your EQuIS portfolio.

2.Update the database to include the Alive Schema file – schema.Alive.xme (\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS\db).

3.Load reference values using the Alive-refvals.xsd format in EDP.

4.Create a survey using the Alive Survey Definition Form in EQuIS Professional.

5.Use the EDGE Export tool to generate custom Alive formats for existing Survey Types to use in EDGE for data collection or in Enterprise or Professional as an EDP format. The DB Format tool in EDP can also be used to easily load an existing Survey Type as an EDP format.

6.After capturing data in EDGE or otherwise, load that data to the database using EDP.

7.Once Alive data is loaded, the standard EQuIS Alive reports are available for generating various report output. See the Reports section in the installation article for a list of available reports.

8.Transfer survey types as needed between databases using the Survey Type Export.