System.ArgumentException Error on .xlsx Export of Large Tables

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System.ArgumentException Error on .xlsx Export of Large Tables

An error of the type shown below may result when exporting a large dataset (Crosstab, data table or report output) to Excel in the .xlsx format (not .xls, .csv or .txt).


System.ArgumentException: File not found: [Path]...


This process may be hitting an OutOfMemory exception, so the file is not created and the "file does not exist" error is displayed. In order to reduce the likelihood of this error:


If possible, when running reports, limit location and analyte selections.

Increase system RAM.

Run EQuIS as a 64-bit process.

Export to Text (instead of Excel) and then choose the *.csv option. Exporting to *.csv uses far less memory (and is much faster), and the file still opens in Excel (this assumes that you have your operating system configured to open *.csv files with Excel).