String or Binary Data Truncated - Error

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String or Binary Data Truncated - Error

Affected Software/Reports/DLL(s): EQuIS Professional Reports


Affected Software Version: N/A


Symptoms: The following error can occur when running a report in EQuIS Professional.


An error has occurred in EarthSoft.Common, Version= System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be truncated.

at EarthSoft.Common.Data.SqlConnection.ExecuteFunction(String functionName, IDataParameterCollection parameters)

at EarthSoft.Common.Reports.FunctionReport.Execute() at EarthSoft.Common.Reports.FunctionReport.Execute(Int32 facilityId)

at EarthSoft.Reports.ReportGrid.backgroundWorker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)


Cause/Details: This error may be caused by a customized EQuIS Schema or a customized report. A field in a report could have been modified to be smaller than what EQuIS allows. If this has happened and your data set includes values that are larger than what the report allows, this error may occur.


The error can also occur if either field lengths or field type of the database have been changed.


Resolution/Workaround: Check to confirm that the field lengths for the input and output parameters of a report match the data type and length of those in the database.