Install SPM Enterprise

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Install SPM Enterprise

Important Note: Prior to installing EQuIS SPM Enterprise, Enterprise 7 must be installed on the EQuIS database. Detailed instructions for either new installations of Enterprise 7 or upgrading Enterprise 6.6.x systems to Enterprise 7 are available in the Enterprise article Installation and Configuration.



SPM Installation Instructions


The EQuIS SPM Enterprise download link is available for download at the EarthSoft Community Center.

1.Download EQuIS SPM Enterprise installer (.zip) from the Downloads Dashboard (Products> SPM > SPM Enterprise 7).

2.Unblock and extract the files downloaded in Step 1.

3.Inside the zip folder are three folders and the file.

4.The file contains the SPM widget and dashboard. Deploy the files to Enterprise. Refer to the Deploy Dashboards, Widgets, and Config Settings article for specific instructions.

5.The SPM Schema needs to be applied to all EQuIS databases where SPM will be used. Refer to the Update Database Schema article for specific instructions.


Note: The SPM Dashboard and Widget are installed automatically when deploying the package. Users can create extra SPM dashboards by copying an SPM dashboard in Enterprise. The SPM widget runs in full screen mode and is designed to run only in an SPM Dashboard.