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Navigation:  Release Notes > EQuIS 7 > Build 19046 (Feb 2019) >






EDGE/SPM - Export Historical Information for Field Parameters in EDGE EDD [m135725]

Field Results has been added to the EDGE Field EDD Report for export to EDGE.





Sample Ordering by Location [m161252]

This change sorts the sample list by location, making the list consistent from planned to scheduled.





SPM Completeness Report Exports Tasks Outside of Selected Date Range [m162471]

An issue has been fixed where the SPM Completeness Detail report sometimes included tasks outside of the selected date range.





SPM - Batch EDGE Field EDD Report Improvements [m162650]

Improved efficiency of the EDGE Field EDD Batch report. Also fixed a bug where a 'no output' message was shown when the LAB parameter was left blank.





SPM Completeness Report - Detailed - Sample Type Parameter Not Working [m164501]

Fixed a bug where the "Completeness Report - Detailed" did not properly filter results by SAMPLE_TYPE.





SPM Task Will Not Unschedule If Child AT_SPM_TASK_RESOURCE Rows Exist [m164951]

Fixed issue where a planned task could not be unscheduled if resources were added to it in SPM Enterprise. Now these resources will be deleted and the planned tasks will be unscheduled.





Retired Locations Not Available in SPM [m165199]

SPM Location List screen has been modified to include only locations with active status.





Add Location List to SPM Calendar [m167063]

A new feature was added to the SPM Calendar. The "Selected Task Information" screen now displays a list of task locations.