Live (7.21.3)

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Live (7.21.3)





Live Open Weather Map Report: Include Forecasts [d8769]

Updated the Live Open Weather Map agent/report to include forecast weather data.





New Live CDEC Agent and Reports [d11364]

The EQuIS Live CDEC Agent and EQuIS Live CDEC Historical Data Loader reports allow users to retrieve water data from the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC) web API.





Live Historical Chart Widget: Update Add Remark Dialog Operation [d11803]

Fixed an issue that was causing the "Add Remark" dialog to not stay open after adding or removing a qualifier to the Live Historical Chart.





New Live Neptune Cluster Agent/Report [d12157]

The EQuIS Live Neptune Cluster Agent report allows users to retrieve data from the Triple Point Solutions Neptune Cluster web API.





Live File Processor Agent: Support Azure Storage and Other Updates [d12273]

Updates to the Live File Processor include:
  • Support for Azure Storage (Blob Containers and File Shares) and SFTP folders.
  • Process .zip and Excel (.xlsx and .xls) files.
  • Settings for whether or not to add new loggers and series: addNewLoggers and addNewSeries (= true or false).





Live Reports: Support Dynamic Date Columns in Crosstabs [d12276]

Updated Live reports to support using dynamic date columns in the Crosstab Configuration Form in EQuIS Professional.





Live File Processor Widget: Improve Dialog Messages [d12385]

Updated some dialog messages for clarity in the Live File Processor widget.





Live Historical Chart Widget: Editing Series Key Fields [d12586]

Changing a series' type in the Live Historical Chart Widget no longer modifies the frequency, calculation, or line type of that series. Fixed an issue where changing a series' settings to an already existing series would close the Widget Editor.





Live Historical Chart Widget: Remark Range in Tooltip [d12591]

Hovering over a remark in the Live Historical Chart Widget will show the date range that the remark spans.