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Historical Chart Widget: Add Option to Specify Time in the From/To Date Selector [m158459]

Added option to specify the time in the from/to date selector in the Live Historical Chart widget.





Circular Gauge Widget: Rendering Issue [m161988]

Fixed issues preventing rendering of the Circular Gauge Widget.





Added ECOMESURE Agent [m163095]

Added EQuIS Live Ecomesure reports to get data from the Ecomesure API.





File Processor Agent: Adds Extra Series If Comma Exists After Last Data Column [m163773]

Fixed an issue in the Live File Processor agent where extra series were added when comma exists after the last data column. If a comma exists at the end of the last data column in the CSV file, the agent will not add series with no series names and no data.





New Features for File Processor Agent [m164673]

Added functionality to EQuIS Live File Processor agent to allow loading data from various types of delimited files.
Includes the following new app settings:
1) headerLinesRegex: Header line(s) look like this.
2) loggerCode*: Get the logger code from:
a) a column, in each data line; or
b) the file’s header text; or
c) the file’s name; or
d) a default value.
3) series*ColumnHeaderRegexGroups: Get the series name, unit, and function from a column’s header text.
4) utcOffsetLineRegexGroups: Get the UTC offset from the file’s header.
5) ignoreColumnHeadersRegex, ignoreLinesRegex: Ignore columns and/or lines.





Live Historical Chart Widget: Issue with Qualifier Color [m167889]

Fixed issue when changing qualifier color in the Live Historical Chart widget.





USGS Agents: Update to Only Check SERIES_NAME [m167937]

EQuIS Live USGS EDDN, USGS Water Quality, and EPA AirNow reports: Allow a series’ SERIES_UNIT to be changed, without adding a new series the next time the report runs. Only use the series’ SERIES_NAME to uniquely identify it.





Live Chart: Left (Own) and Right (Own) Axis Options Do Not Work [m169560]

A series with axis set to Left(Own) or Right(Own) now displays properly. Added an option in editor to show/hide labels for private Y-axes.





Historical Chart Widget: Customize Colors in ST_CONFIG [m169613]

Within the Historical Chart Widget, users can now set the color of new or existing series by their position. Colors can be customized in the ST_CONFIG table.





Include EarthSoft.Live.dll and DotSpatial.dlls in Professional Installation Folder [m169935]

Including EarthSoft.Live.dll and DotSpatial.Positioning.dll assemblies in Professional's application folder, which are necessary for publishing Live reports.





Adcon Device Browser Widget: Context Menu Issue [m170112]

Logger Series creation restored when adding a station that is not in the database.
Context menu no longer appears when right-clicking on a series.





Wind Rose Chart Widget: Wind Direction Discrepancy [m170442]

Changed grouping of data points to more accurately display wind direction.





Live Adcon Reports: Add Bulk Insert for DT_LOGGER_DATUM and allow 'Agent' to run as non-EIA [m171443]

The EQuIS Live Adcon report uses a bulk insert for DT_LOGGER_DATUM instead of inserting data one row at a time, which inserts data faster and improves performance, And allow 'Agent' report to run as non-EIA.





Live Chart Widget: Various Bug Fixes [m171459]

Column chooser settings now persist. Bottom rows of column chooser can now be seen. Series drop-down now clears when selecting a different facility. Decimal places show in tooltip again. If a custom timezone offset was set, it will now show a value and be editable when the editor reopens.





Live Historical Chart Widget: Various Bug Fixes [m171700]

Column chooser settings now persist. Bottom rows of column chooser can now be seen.





Historical Chart Widget: Enable Data Manager Review/Remark of Flagged Logger Data [m171777]

User can add/edit/delete remark for logger data in the Historical Chart widget. There is functionality for searching remark/qualifier and then user can change.