Collect (7.20.1)

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Collect (7.20.1)





Link: Control How Licenses Are Being Consumed [m178491]

Added an option in EDP to set the use of an EQuIS Link license. This option can prevent EQuIS Link network licenses from being automatically consumed by other EDP users not working with Link.





Link: Create Mapping for File Field Type Crashes Application [m178525]

Fixed issue when selecting the File field type in Link mappings.





Link: Do Not Maximize Windows When Opening [m178830]

EQuIS Link dialog windows are not maximized when opening.





Link: Add More Detailed Error Messages for Mapping [m178880]

More detailed error messages are now produced in the EQuIS Link mapping process log.





Link: Add External Reference Data Source [m181239]

Added the ability to to load an external Reference Data file to be applied in the Link mappings.





Link: Add Variable Attribute Feature to Data Mapping [m181774]

Added a Variables attribute to the table level mapping. The Variables attribute can automatically create multiple data rows from a single source row and change the mappings as specified for each data row. This feature is also available in EQuIS Collect.





Link: Change Font in Formula Builder [m182604]

Made Formula Builder dialog text easier to read to facilitate JSON building.





Link: Add Collect File Type Fields [m183106]

Added EQuIS Collect File type field to the EQuIS Link source field for File Type field mappings. These are Image, Multi-Image, File, Sound, Sketch and Signature type fields.





Functions: Added JARRAY [m183967]

Added a new JARRAY aggregate function to help build JSON arrays. The JARRAY function is also available in EQuIS Collect.





Functions: Added BASE64 [m183984]

Added BASE64 string encoding function, which takes one parameter and returns its BASE64 string equivalent. The BASE64 function is also available in EQuIS Collect.





Link: Add Culture Information to Mapper Status Window [m184105]

Added user cultural information to the mapping messages in the Mapper Status window.