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Professional (





Reports Dialog Error [m145958]

An error occurred when a non-admin user clicked the Refresh button in the Reports Dialog. Additionally, the Publish button was appearing when it should not. These errors have been fixed.





Internal: EQuIS Professional Dialog Windows Disappear [m150599]

Dialog windows opened off-screen, after a display was removed. This has been fixed.





Coordinate Converter Form - Cannot Find Column [identifiere] Error [m155738]

Using the Coordinate Converter Form to delete a row would cause an error and fail to delete. This has been fixed so that users can edit and save changes.





XY Charts - Absolute Y-Axis Generates Strange Origin and Scale [m157342]

The following changes have been made to the XY Charts default minimum axis values, when the scale is absolute. For values greater than zero, the minimum defaults to zero. For values less than zero, the minimum defaults to a value below or equal to the lowest value.





Views - User Can Select Notes from Column Chooser and Add Notes to Views [m157596]

Previously, users were able to add notes to Views. This has been fixed. The Notes column has been removed from the column chooser for Views.