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EnviroInsite (





Problems with Data Selection in Boring Log Water Level Report [m156477]

The "%" option in the Water Level form of EnviroInsite Boring Logs was not plotting. To fix this, the name "%" has been changed to "%|%" so that it was correctly read and plotted. The field name for this option has also been renamed from "Data Field" to a more descriptive name "DT_WATER_TABLE TYPE|SEQUENCE".





EQuIS Connection Cleared When Opening Connection Form [m156680]

A bug in the EnviroInsite program would cause users to lose their EQuIS database connection when opening the connection form and then cancelling. There was also a problem where current connection information was not being displayed in the Connection tab of the form. These have been fixed.





Remove Functionality Allowing EQuIS Users to Change Elevation Units [m156944]

In the past, EnviroInsite allowed users to change elevation units within the program. For EQuIS users, this should not be possible (elevation units are from dt_facility.elev_unit). Therefore, these options have been removed from the user interface for EQuIS users. Non-EQuIS users are still allowed to change elevation units.





Resolve Map Scale Conflict between Units Selected in EnviroInsite and in EQuIS Database [m156947]

For EQuIS users, an issue caused the map scale to indicate incorrect units when drawn. The program would plot items in the units indicated by the selected State Plane projection, but the map scale would indicate the units used by the EQuIS database. This has been fixed so that the applied State Plane units will be used for the plot as well as the map scale.





Preserving Properties Selected for Cross-section Gradient Plots [m157634]

Resolved bug in preservation of properties in cross-section dialog box when creating gradient plots.





Add Filtering Row for Single Constituent Selection [m157999]

To improve the selection of a single constituent on the Query tab of numerous dialog boxes, a filtering row has been added to the constituent selection view.





Fixed Errors in Cross-section Gradient Feature [m158500]

Fixed bugs with the cross-section gradient feature that were causing the gradients to be calculated incorrectly.





Displaying Time in Boring Log Date Field [m158687]

EnviroInsite allows users to add date fields such as DT_LOCATION.START_DATE and DT_LOCATION.END_DATE for display in the boring log header section. These fields contained both the date and time, but the program had been hard-wired to present only the date in a format that the user could not modify. Users are now able to specify the format to display the date and/or time. Double-click on the date field in the template window. Select the Format tab from the Text Dialog and select the date format.





Boring Log Report Parameter Menu Lists Not Populating [m159090]

The query was using facility_id = 'id' where it should be declaring the facility id as facility_id = @facility_id, which is how other EQuIS reports query it. In rare cases, this would cause the report to be published to the wrong facility if the 'id' value was incorrect. This issue has been resolved so that the query is correct and the report is always published to the correct facility.