EnviroInsite (7.21.3)

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EnviroInsite (7.21.3)





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs - "Fill page column" Option to Fill Remaining Page Space [d10208]

Boring logs now have a "Fill page column" option to expand a column to fill the remaining page space. See https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/boring-logs-options.htm for more information.





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs - Option to Exclude Downhole Data Columns when No Data is Present [d10211]

Boring logs now have an option to not draw columns when no selected locations have data for that column. See https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/boring-logs-options.htm for additional information.





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs - Plasticity Index and Fines Added [d10539]

Plasticity Index and Percent Fines have been added to EnviroInsite Boring Logs under the "Downhole Point / Data" section. See https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/boring-logs-downhole-point-data.htm#columnswithadditionallogic for additional information. 





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs - "Draft" Watermark Option [d10709]

An option to include a "Draft" watermark has been added to EnviroInsite Boring Logs.





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs - Text/Line/Objects in Title Block Dynamically Reposition, Toggle On/Off [d11110]

Entities added to the title block of a boring log will be hidden or repositioned alongside corresponding data columns or groups. For more detail, see the Downhole Groups and Visibility section of the Boring Log Template Design Window article: https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/boring-log-template-design-window.htm#bhtemp_downhole 





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs - Add Specified DT_GEO_TEST.TEST_TYPE Selections to Downhole Section [d11138]

DT_GEO_TEST.TEST_TYPE has been added to the list of fields available in the Downhole / Point Data section of the Boring Log Template Design window. Only the test types of Unconf_Compression (UC) or UnconsolidateUndrain (UU) will be plotted.

See https://help.earthsoft.com/equisdatabase-tables-fields-in-boring-logs.htm for more information.





EnviroInsite - Boring Log Template Design - Downhole Objects - New Visibility Parameter [d11162]

Boring log visibility PARAM_CODEs are now user-defined and assigned directly to log columns within the Boring Log Template Design window. See https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/boring-log-template-design-window.htm for more information.





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs - Use Depths from DT_SAMPLE for Geotech Data [d11196]

EnviroInsite Geotech Boring Logs have been updated to use DT_SAMPLE.START_DEPTH and .END_DEPTH if DT_GEO_TEST.START_DEPTH and .END_DEPTH are not populated. See https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/boring-logs-downhole-point-data.htm and https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/equisdatabase-tables-fields-in-boring-logs.htm for more information.





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs Report - Output Order to be Alphanumeric [d11731]

The EnviroInsite Boring Log Report will output the boring logs in alphanumeric order now.





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs Report - Task Code Parameter Added [d12039]

A new Task Code report parameter has been added to the EnviroInsite Boring Logs Report. When selected, the new parameter will filter other report parameters based on at_location.association. See the following documentation page for additional information: https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/lib_enviroinsite-boring-log.htm 





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs - Assign DT_TASK_PARAMETER.PARAM_VALUE to Downhole Columns Via 'Visibility Parameter' Setting [d12071]

Boring log visibility PARAM_CODEs may now be assigned from DT_TASK_PARAMETER. See https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/boring-log-template-design-window.htm for more information.





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs - Select Locations and Display Data by TASK_CODE [d12187]

Locations can now be filtered based on DT_TASK.TASK_CODE. Select a Task Code in the Select Borings window to use this feature. See https://21.3.help.earthsoft.com/boring-logs.htm for additional information.





EnviroInsite: New Enterprise Deployment Package [d12598]

Created a simple EnviroInsite deployment package for Enterprise that will place all the necessary DLL files in the Enterprise /bin folder, publish the example XML boring log template files, and create a standard Boring Logs dashboard with a Boring Log widget.





EnviroInsite - Boring Logs - Downhole Data Not Displaying on Page One When Log is Multiple Pages [d12827]

Fixes an issue causing certain data to not be plotted on multiple-page boring logs.