EnviroInsite (

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EnviroInsite (





EI - .NET Framework and Other Third Party Component Upgrades [m167119]

EnviroInsite has received several updates. The .NET version has been updated to v4.7.2. The VisualStudio C++ libraries have been updated to version 2019. The CLR component has been updated for several projects. Other library paths and versions have been updated as needed.





EQuIS EnviroInsite "xcopy" Zip Install [m171945]

A package build of EnviroInsite has been implemented in order to create an xcopy version of the EnviroInsite program.





Locations Fail to Plot if Non-Numeric Coordinate Data Present [m173473]

An error occurred in EnviroInsite when attempting to plot non-numeric data (e.g. "W 78°56' 25''") from DT_COORDINATE.X_COORD or DT_COORDINATE.Y_COORD. The error caused plotting all locations to fail. This has been resolved so that non-numeric data are ignored; no error occurs, and locations with the required numeric coordinates are plotted.