EDP (7.21.3)

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EDP (7.21.3)





EDP: Commit Types "Merge Only", "Replace Only", and "Update Only" Clear Package View [d9128]

Previously, "Merge Only", "Replace Only", and "Update Only" commit types successfully committed records to the database as expected, but the EDP interface would not update in the package view pane when the commit action finished. This issue has been resolved and the package view pane updates appropriately. 





EuroEQEDD Format: Add New Fields to LabData Section [d9487]

The following fields have been added to the LabData section in the EuroEQEDD format:
prep_date, qc_level, test_remark, result_custom_field_1, result_custom_field_2, result_custom_field_3, result_custom_field_4, result_custom_field_5, approval_code, approval_a, approval_b, approval_c, approval_d, validator_qualifiers, counting_error, critical_value, uncertainty, minimum_detectable_conc, result_error_delta, equipment_code, stat_type, value_type, hold_time_status 

Default values have been removed from fields total_or_dissolved and analysis_location. 

The following custom check has also been added to the LabData section: If TIC_Retention_Time is populated then result_type_code must equal 'TIC'.





EDP: ALS Rollback User in Professional [d10170]

Fixed an issue in Professional EDP when an application level security (ALS) user performs a rollback so that the rollback user in the ST_EDD_BATCH table matches the user who did the rollback.





EQuIS Vapor Intrusion Format: Update VI_Building_Parameter Section Primary Key [d11612]

The VI_Building_Parameter section in the EQuIS_Vapor_Intrusion format has been updated to include field measurement_date in the primary key.  This change was done to reflect the unique key in the database and allow records with different measurement dates to be committed to the database.