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Navigation:  Release Notes > EQuIS 7 > Build 19046 (Feb 2019) >






Bulk EDD Loader Form (77262.dll) Not Loading All Records [m129367]

Fixed an issue where Bulk EDD Loader did not commit all the records to the DT_RESULT table.





Professional EDP: Clear Table Action Not Available in Context Menu [m161373]

Fixed an issue where the Clear Table action in EDP was not available upon loading a format and an EDD.





Special Characters in Zip File Not Loading Properly in EDP [m162613]

Fixed issue to allow EDP to load text files with extended characters.





Refvals Format Updates Needed Based on Schema Additions/Updates to RT* Tables [m163189]

Formats updated after Schema updates are made.





Professional EDP: "Errors Only" Viewing Option Not Working as Expected [m163295]

The "Errors Only" button in EDP has been fixed to show only rows with errors.





Professional EDP: Create Step Adding Extraneous Record to DT_FIELD_SAMPLE [m163306]

Fixed an issue where the Create step was adding an extraneous record to the DT_FIELD_SAMPLE table.





EQEDD: Add New Fields to FieldSample_v1 [m165926]

New fields (filter_type, duration, duration_unit, air_volume, air_volume_unit, equipment_cal_date) have been added to the FieldSample section of the EQEDD format.





Flow Format [m165927]

The Flow format is used to load open channel flow data into EQuIS and is included as a standard format in the EQuIS Professional installation.





Update ERPIMS Format Data Mapping [m166238]

Swapped the mappings for LAB_QC_FLAG and LAB_DQT within the ERPIMS format.





Professional EDP: Add Ctrl+F Shortcut Key [m166595]

The shortcut key for the Find and Replace window (Ctrl + F) has been added to Professional EDP.





Add Special Character Encoding to Text Files Without a BOM [m167592]

Fixed issue in EDP when loading text files without a byte order mark (BOM).