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Beta_Analytical_Results Format - Name Update to Analytical_Results_II [m128636]

The Beta_Analytical_Results Format has been renamed Analytical_Results_II.





Format File In DT_FILE [m135437]

Enterprise EDP now allows formats to be stored in DT_FILE instead of on the server.





EDGE Format Fails to Save EDD after Deleting Rows [m140166]

When the EDGE format was used in EDP, EDP failed to save the EDD as an *.xlsx file if any rows had been deleted from the FieldResults section prior to saving. This bug has been fixed; the EDD will now save properly to *.xlsx after rows have been deleted.





Custom Check for LocationParameter_v1.SYS_LOC_CODE in EQEDD Behaves Differently when Populated Manually vs Via EDD [m140233]

A custom check in the EQEDD format has been updated so it will always look in the Location section and database for the SYS_LOC_CODE, instead of only looking in the Location section if it contains rows.





Enterprise EDP: RVF Downloads Not Filtered by Session Facility [m142690]

The ability for an admin Enterprise user to download EDGE rvf file where tables that contain FACILITY_ID column only have rows which are either the selected facility or null has been added.





Drop-Down Filter AutoComplete Bug [m143132]

Fixed a bug in EDP where the grid AutoComplete feature would incorrectly append characters to the end of suggested values.





Change Ribbon to Syncfusion Ribbon [m145694]

The EQuIS Data Processor (EDP) ribbon has been updated, to assimilate Office 2016.





EQuIS-7 EDP Create Backstage [m145695]

This feature adds a backstage view to EDP where formats and EDDs can be opened and saved.





Update Icons [m145697]

Many icons used in the EQuIS Data Processor (EDP) have been updated to match a standard set of icons used in EarthSoft products.





SplitByFacilityFileMonitor Functional Improvements [m148122]

SplitByFacilityFileMonitor will now work properly, even if the SplitByFacility column does not exist in every section and/or is not the first column in every section.
Performance has been improved, including inserting split files directly into ST_FILE_REGISTRATION so they can continue loading.





Sign and Submit Form Not Saving User Information [m148553]

A bug has been fixed in the Sign and Submit Form in EDP, where the user information was not always being saved and retrieved.





Facility Format - GROUP_TYPE Update [m148565]

Facility Format - facility_id is a valid enum for member_type columns.





"Clear All" should Automatically Reset ebatch [m154950]

Clicking the "Clear All" button in EDP will now automatically reset the EBATCH value. Loading a new EDD after clicking "Clear All" will create a new record in ST_EDD_BATCH and assign a new EBATCH value.
Note: Clicking the "Increment ebatch" button (available in previous versions) will also reset the EBATCH value.





EZLithology.xsd Added to Professional 7 Install [m155175]

The EZLithology format has been added to the Professional and EDP Standalone installs.





Loading Values Containing an Accent Mark in a Text EDD [m156234]

A bug which caused errors when a text EDD that contained values with an accent mark was loaded has been fixed in EDP.