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Navigation:  Release Notes > EQuIS 7 > Build 19144 (May 2019) >






FieldSampleForm: Auto-populates SAMPLE_DATE Although Autofill Dates Option = FALSE [m154086]

Fixed an issue on the FieldSampleForm where the SAMPLE_DATE field was being auto-populated with the current data and time although the "Autofill Date/Time Fields" option had been set to False.





Add dt_person and dt_equipment to EDGE Configuration Format [m157478]

dt_person and dt_equipment added to EDGE Configuration Format.





EDGE: Create Nesting EDGE\EDP Exports Folders in My EQuIS Work [m160284]

Fixed issue where EDGE working folders were creating a nesting structure.





COC Manager: Clicking Shipping Company Makes Laboratory Information Disappear [m160656]

Fixed the issue with Laboratory information vanishing after clicking Shipping Company in COC Manager.





EDGE Map: Remove Unsupported Coordinate Types [m161202]

Since only Lat/Long coordinate types are supported in the EDGE Map, added a filter to COORD_TYPE in the Location Navigator to only use Lat/Long coordinate types.





EDGE Format: Add ABANDONMENT_DATE to Well_v1 [m163183]

A new field, ABANDONMENT_DATE, has been added to the Well section of the EDGE format and Geology format.





Field Sample Form: Refresh Issue with COC Manager [m164947]

COC information (COCs, MAGs, and Containers) in Field Sample Form and Tab FieldSamples will be refreshed if user make any change in COC Manager.





Solinst Barologger and Levelogger Devices: Barometric Compensation and SYS_LOC_CODE [m165465]

Levelogger devices that use corresponding barometric pressure values from a linked Barologger no longer require matching SYS_LOC_CODE values.





EDGE Image Viewer: Photo Library Update [m165496]

Updated the Image Viewer functionality to include filtering by location selection.





EDGE Format: Add New Fields AIR_VOLUME and AIR_VOLUME_UNIT [m166478]

New fields (AIR_VOLUME and AIR_VOLUME_UNIT) have been added to the FieldSample section of the EDGE format.





EDGE Format: Cannot Change a SYS_SAMPLE_CODE Containing Apostrophes [m167656]

Fixed a bug in EDGE format that was not permitting users to change a SYS_SAMPLE_CODE if it contains apostrophes.





Issue with Importing Data from Probe Using Shortcut Key (F5) in FieldSampleForm [m168083]

Fixed the issue of importing data from probes by using shortcut key (F5)





EDGE: Read Sampler from FieldSampleForm Instead of GeneralInfo Tab for COCID Generation [m168190]

Added ability to read sampler from General_Info Table or Field Sample Form.





Field Sample Form: Importing Data from Sensor Causes Duplicate Row [m168216]

Fixed an issue that was creating a duplicate row in the Field Sample Form when importing data from sensors.





EDGE: Accurate Purge Volume Calculations [m168223]

Updated conversion factor values in water level purge calculations to use exact decimal places.





Cannot Open Attached Compressed File when Opened as EDD [m168249]

Fixed an issue where attachments would not open in EDGE when using a zipped EDD.





EDGE Configuration: Duplicate Entries in Drop-down Menus in Format Sections [m168261]

Fixed an issue where duplicate parameters were added to the drop-down menu in the Foreign Filter column in the Format Sections of the EDGE Configuration window.





Fix Issue with Special Characters in COC ID [m168664]

When special characters are used in a COC ID, the special characters are preserved in the COC ID but are replaced in the COC file name by "_" to facilitate data loading.





COC Manager Window: COC ID Cannot Be Updated [m168878]

Fixed an issue with populating the Lab and Samplers using the Update ID option in the COC Manager window.





EDGE: Generic Live Logger Interface Not Working [m168908]

Added support to import Generic Live Logger data from CSV file.





COC Manager: Detach Exported COC Does Not Work [m169000]

Fixed a bug when using the COC Detach button in the COC Manager





COC Manager: Update COC ID Removes COC Information [m169156]

Deactivated the COC ID box in COC Information table in the COC Manager to prevent removal of COC information.





WaterLevel_Purge Calculation Issues [m170705]

Updated FLOWCELL_PURGE_TIME_MIN calculation to round to 2 decimal places, Fixed issue with comparing of like units for volume and purge rates.





EDGE Configuration Format: Add DT_PERSON and DT_EQUIPMENT [m171683]

DT_PERSON and DT_EQUIPMENT added to the EDGE Configuration Format.





EDGE Enumerations: Added EDGE_FacLocDateType [m171781]

Added new SampleID_Schema "EDGE_FacLocDateType".





EDGE Stabilization Criteria Formula Includes RPD [m171915]

Added relative percent difference (RPD) formula as a stabilization criterion, which works with at least two readings. Users can define two formulas for stabilization and can determine which to use for stabilization when specific data entered as a reading.