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Collect (





Collect Enterprise: Add Efficiency Features to Reports [m160268]

Enhanced the Reports page interface to make parameter groups collapsible and expandable and to denote progress when reports are loading.





Collect Enterprise: Modify Formula Snippets Search/Add Bar [m166630]

Added a dialog to enter a name for a new snippet.





Collect Enterprise: Warn User When Choosing Invalid Format in Template Designer [m169124]

Added a warning message when user selects an invalid format in the Template Designer.





Collect Enterprise: Enhancements to Data Mapping User Interface [m170374]

Modified the Data Mapping window. All available fields are shown in the field list. Active and Value properties easier to discern and edit.





Collect Enterprise: Make Name Form Property Required For Form Field Type [m170665]

The "Name Form" property is required for a Form field type.





Collect Enterprise: Improve Map Setup Options and Add Ability to Connect to Other Map Layers [m171644]

Improved the map setup options in the User Report Layers window. Added ability for user to provide different map layer types.





Collect Enterprise: Focus Starts on the Name When Adding New Custom Field [m172805]

Field name input gets focus when creating a custom field.





Create Collect - Form Generator Report [m174498]

New Collect - Form Generator Report to create Collect forms. Can be used with SPM scheduled tasks and sent via EIAs.





Collect Enterprise: Field Edit Warning Message [m174568]

If a field attribute being changed is also existent in other parts of the templates (mapping, pre-population, select/multiselect, etc.), a warning message will be displayed to advise the user. The warning message does not prevent the change and is intended to inform the user of the possible consequences of performing the change.





Collect Enterprise: Copied Template Loses Forms [m175455]

Fixed an issue that when copying a template, the copied template loses the forms.





Collect Mobile: Looping Through Empty Fields Not Honoring Editable Attribute [m175656]

Added validation to check if the field is editable before jumping to it.





Collect Enterprise: Selector Field Options Visible Button Not Blue [m175673]

Fixed a bug in the Options tab of the Edit Field window for a Selector Field where the Visible button did not turn blue when the visible attribute contained a formula.





Collect Enterprise: Help File Upload Error When No File Is Selected [m175686]

For the Help File tab of the Edit Field window, added a warning message when trying to upload a file but no file is selected.





Collect Enterprise: Show Warning When Disable a Template [m175707]

Showing warning message when disabling a template.





Collect Enterprise: Next Node Does Not Get Selected After Adding a Snippet in the Formula Editor [m175929]

Auto select empty formula node after adding a snippet.





Collect Enterprise: Form Setup Buttons Do Not Turn Blue [m175931]

Buttons on the Form Setup page (Sort, Map Setup, Grid, and Logger Setup) now turn blue when attributes for that button are set.





Collect Enterprise: Format Check When Uploading Existing Template [m175991]

When uploading a template with a format name that does not match a format in the database, the user is provided an option to remove the invalid format or select a valid format. Format name is not case sensitive.





Collect Mobile: Loading and Login Screens Have Old EarthSoft Logo [m176547]

Updated Earthsoft Logo on Login Screen.





Collect COC Report: Enhancements to Header Functionality [m176704]

Added support to allow COC header fields in the Word document's header and footer. Users also have the option to show Containers Description, Filtered and Preservatives in separate header rows in Analysis table.





Collect Enterprise: Modify Upload Status Dialog [m176832]

When users select the Upload Status of a Data Form, the Status dialog now has all status buttons (download, send, and publish) combined into a single drop-down. Add new button for getting EDD log messages.





Collect Enterprise: Select Template Window When Creating New Form [m176834]

A new dialog opens when selecting a form template for a new form. This will allow the user to search for the template.





Collect: Create Anonymous Asynchronous Method Runner Class [m177222]

Fixed some asynchronous method calls.





Collect Enterprise: Support for Running Multiple Template Reports [m177540]

Added support for multiple template reports.





Collect Mobile: Performance Issues [m177544]

Improved performance when refreshing the list of forms that contain large templates.





Collect: Add Action Field Type [m177554]

Added a new Action field to facilitate navigation and quick contextual report generation.





Collect: Add File Field Type [m177964]

Added new file type field that allows users to select files from commonly available locations and attach them to their forms.





Collect Enterprise: Display Collect Build Number [m178074]

The Collect Build Number displays on the Enterprise Collect widget.





Collect Mobile: Crashing With No Default Location [m178077]

Fixed an issue with the map control on Windows that occurred when the user is offline.





Collect Enterprise: Improve Data Mapping Dialog [m178235]

The Data Mapping window has been modified to improve the user experience.





Collect Enterprise: Support Edit Field Warning on Deletion of Field [m178328]

If a user tries to delete a field being used in formulas, a warning message will be displayed denoting the occurrences of the field in the template.





Collect Enterprise: Multiple EDDs for a Single Data Form Causing Forms Page to Crash [m178344]

Fixed a bug where the Forms page on Enterprise would not display if multiple EDDs were created for push of a field form from the Mobile app.





Enable File Name Mapping to DT_FILE [m178429]

Enabled mapping of key file fields when mapping files to DT_File.





Collect Enterprise: Revise Menu Text [m178486]

Modified page and menu text to improve clarity for users relating to templates and forms.





Collect Enterprise: Template Status Not Appropriately Refreshing After a Change [m178876]

Fixed a bug where the template status on the Designer page did not refresh after a status change (e.g., design mode to test mode).





Collect Enterprise: Issue in Firefox Saving a Report from Forms Page [m178904]

Fixed an issue where in Firefox the extension of a report is not appended when downloading the report from the Data Forms page of Collect Enterprise.





Collect - Enterprise - Param selection lists don't update based on other selections [m178956]

Fixed issue where Collect reporting screens will not honor dynamic filtering on selection lists, based on the st_report_parameter.data_source field





Collect Enterprise: Add Search and Blue Buttons to Data Mapping Dialog [m179102]

Enhanced the Data Mapping window. Added search functionality for mapping fields in the list. Active data mapping fields buttons are blue.





Collect Enterprise: Need Faster EDD Generation [m179252]

Updated Collect EDD creation process to improve performance.
Fixed bug in EDD creation in non-English culture





Collect Enterprise: Browser Language Settings Interfere with Copying Templates [m179275]

Fixed an issue with template version number when migrating templates in non-US cultures.





Collect Enterprise: Remove Unnecessary Bin Files [m179341]

Removed unnecessary files in the Collect widget bin folder.





Collect Mobile: Facilities Returned Are Not Correct [m179605]

Fixed an issue with synchronization of facilities when changing server while offline.





Automatic Push to EDP Failing for Collect Users [m180110]

Fixed an issue where EDDs were not automatically passing through to EDP from Collect when autopush option was true.