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Collect (





Collect Enterprise: Define Map Extents from Facility Extents [m160546]

Added the 'Use Facility Extent' checkbox in the Map Setup dialog to set the map extents to the selected facility extents.





Collect Mobile: Support Package Generation [m160925]

Removed case number from subject line in email package generation.





Collect Enterprise: Prevent Simultaneous Edits on the Same Template from Multiple Users [m161295]

Form Templates on Enterprise sites are locked while a user edits them to prevent conflicts from multiple users.





Collect Mobile: Extend Plotter Functionality to Facilitate COC Generation [m162236]

Updated plotting to allow the generation of Chain of Custody (COC) reports.





Collect Enterprise: Add Version Number to Form Template Deletion Message [m168638]

Changed the message dialog to display the version number when deleting a form template.





Collect Mobile: Select Record Using Barcode [m168683]

Added a barcode scan button to search bar in records list.





Collect Enterprise: Add Pin Selector to Map Setup Interface [m170430]

Made a more user friendly pin style chooser form (Map Setup dialog). Added color selectors for the pin and pin text.





Collect Enterprise: Auto-populate Form User Groups with Template User Groups [m170522]

When creating a new form, User Groups will be auto-populated based on the selected Form Template.





Collect Enterprise: Easier to Move Form Fields [m170614]

Move to top and move to bottom icons added to each field in a form, which enable the user to move the field to the top/bottom of the list.





Collect Enterprise: Improve Template Loading Performance [m170890]

Improved template loading performance.





Help File Download Fails [m172143]

Fixed an issue where the help file would cause the form to not save, if the field name had an invalid character.





Collect Enterprise: User Interface Improvements [m172373]

Made improvements to the Collect Enterprise user interface:
- Loading the formula builder: If no formula exists, the + icon is auto-selected. If a formula is already present, the outside item will be auto-selected.
- When editing a template, a 'Change Status' button has been added to change the status of the template. This button replaces the 'Publish and Close' button.





Collect Mobile: Improve Performance Loading Large Forms [m172467]

Increased performance when loading large forms.





Collect Enterprise: Position of Field Not Honored When Dragging Field to Form During Form Creation [m172556]

Fields dragged and dropped on a form now maintain their position in the form.





Collect Enterprise: Issue with '/' and Login Messages [m172711]

Modified application manifest to allow access to intranet sites.





Functions: Added COUNTTRUE [m172799]

Added COUNTTRUE aggregate function that counts the number of parameters that evaluate to TRUE for all rows.





Functions: COUNTLIST Does Not Evaluate If NULL Parameter Encountered [m172800]

Fixed an issue where the COUNTLIST function was returning NULL if one of the parameters evaluated to NULL.





Functions: Added TOOADATE and FROMOADATE [m172819]

Added TOOADATE and FROMOADATE functions to facilitate date-time calculations on decimal values.





Functions: Added ADDDATE [m172831]

Added ADDDATE function that allows the user to add a timespan to a date,





Collect Enterprise Map: Three-Dimensional View [m173126]

Added feature for viewing map in either two- or three-dimensions.





Collect Inspection Format: Added New Fields and Sections [m173130]

Added new fields and sections to the COLLECT_INSPECTION format:
-Equipment_Parameter.param_unit maps to dt_equipment_parameter.param_unit
-Equipment_Parameter.sys_loc_code maps to dt_equipment_parameter.sys_loc_code
-Equipment_Parameter.task_code maps to dt_equipment_parameter.task_code
-Precipitation section maps to dt_precipitation
-Flow section maps to dt_flow





Collect Mobile: Issue with Parameters List on Windows 10 (10.0.16299) [m173516]

Fixed a form display issue for Windows 10 (10.0.16299).





Collect Enterprise: Visible Attribute on GridHeader/GridValue [m173632]

Added visible attribute to the grid column.





Collect Enterprise: Notification when Copying a Form Template [m173893]

Removed unnecessary notification message when copying a form template.





Collect Enterprise: Pre-Population User Interface Updates [m173957]

Added support for user to preview pre-populated data.





Collect Enterprise: Improve Map Setup Interface [m173987]

On the Form Setup page, renamed the "Style" button to "Map Setup" and moved the Map Field to the Map Setup dialog.





Collect Mobile: Report List Not Showing [m174045]

Fixed a bug where Collect ran reports differently from Enterprise and Professional.





Functions: Added DISTINCT [m174230]

Added DISTINCT function to allow for generation of a set of comma-delimited codes from multiple parameter values on multiple rows.





Collect Enterprise: Form Status Not Matching EDP Status [m174466]

Fixed a bug where the Collect EDP status can show duplicate records.





Collect Mobile: Add Support for IP Address Login [m174545]

Added option to allow IP address in server URL for login.





Collect Enterprise: Saving Pre-Populations Over Existing Pre-Populations [m174592]

Added a warning to the pre-population dialog when the user clicks OK. This warning asks the user if they want to overwrite the saved pre-populations.





Collect Mobile: Expand Supported Report File Types [m174630]

Running remote (EQuIS) reports from within Collect now supports XML, HTML, HTM, PDF and CSV file types.





Functions: Added CHAR, DIV, MOD, ORD, POS, and SUBSTR [m174900]

Added CHAR, DIV, MOD, ORD, POS, and SUBSTR functions to facilitate complex string processing.





Perfomance Issues with Collect [m175040]

Implemented significant performance enhancements for Collect.





Collect Enterprise: Pre-Population Should Have Meta Data [m175188]

Added default meta data values for documents in pre-population.





Collect Mobile: Save Button and Navigation Buttons Gone when Autonavigation is Off [m175276]

Added save button to selectors and multiselectors to allow saving when in multiselct mode and auto jump is not enabled.





Collect Mobile: Various Bug Fixes [m175435]

Updated version on iOS, Android and UWP.





Auto Sending Collect Forms to EDP [m175557]

Fixed a bug where occasionally Collect forms did not auto send to EDP.





Collect Reports: Updates to Collect Field EDD and Other Reports [m175672]

Updates to Collect reports (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.161941.dll and EarthSoft.Reports.Library.149680.dll).





Collect - Crash when tap in cancel in facilities list [m175867]

Fixed crash when the user tap in the cancel button in the facilities dialog





Collect Mobile: Create New Row on Bottom of Grid View [m175957]

Added an edition record at the end of a group to create new rows when the grid view is enabled on a form.





Collect Enterprise: Data Mapping Fails for Aggregate Functions Used in Active Attribute [m176044]

Fixed an issue where data mapping failed if aggregate functions were used in the Active attribute.





Collect Mobile: Add Record Counter to Form Header [m176160]

Added a count of the number of records in each form to the form header.





Collect Mobile: Fix Architectural Implementation Issue with Grid Views [m176182]

In Grid view, entering a disallowed value in a field disables the entire respective column in the grid.





Collect Mobile: Signature Generated When User Jumps to Next Field with an Empty Value [m176314]

Fixed signature field issue when the entry is empty and the user jumps to next field or saves.





Collect Mobile: Forms with Data Sync Experience "problem connecting to the server" on Upload [m176401]

Fixed sync issue with forms.





Collect Mobile: Signature Control Usability Issues [m176582]

The existing signature is locked until the user clicks clear.





Collect Enterprise: Reports Not Being Generated [m176646]

Fixed report generation methods on Enterprise.





Automatic Report Generation Fails to Produce Valid Reports [m176647]

Fixed an issue when automatic report generation failed to produce valid reports.





Collect Mobile: Signing a Form Crashes Collect on Android [m176688]

Fixed issue with signature generation.





Collect Mobile: Support Package Generation and Login Errors [m176819]

Fixed issues with crash report package generation. Added validation check to stop automatic login if the previous session ended with a crash.





Collect Enterprise: Download EDP EDD Result Dialog [m176830]

Show helpful error message when download EDP EDD fails.





Collect Mobile: Copy Function in Grid Records Disables Editability [m176908]

Fixed issue that prevented editing when copying items in records list.





Collect Mobile: App Crashes When Touching Parent Form Icon [m177142]

Fixed issue with parent form button on child records.