Set Report Sort Order in Data Source

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Set Report Sort Order in Data Source

Default sorting for user report parameter selection lists can be set up so that users do not have to sort the list using the column header every time a report is run. Changes that pertain to a specific report can be made in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER.DATA_SOURCE.


Note: If a report is based on a .dll and it has not been published to the database, that report uses the parameters that are defined for Analytical Results. That means that if changes are made in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER.DATA_SOURCE for Analytical Results, then that change will be seen in the .dll report.


If a report is published to the database, it will have its own records in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER that can be updated. The published report's parameters defined in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER take precedence over those defined in the code of the report.


For example, in the Analytical Results Crosstab Report, the Test Method selections will not be automatically sorted. By clicking on the column header, the results can be sorted, but it may be preferable to have them sorted by default. If the report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.19846.dll) is not published, that report will use the parameters that are defined for Analytical Results. Changing the value in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER.DATA_SOURCE for Analytical Results will change the display in the Analytical Results Crosstab Report. Publishing the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.19846.dll to the database will result in the report having its own records in ST_REPORT_PARAMETER that can be updated.