EQuIS Professional 7

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EQuIS Professional 7

EQuIS Professional is a powerful software application for checking, editing, loading, reporting, and visualizing environmental and sample data. EQuIS Professional provides the administrative capabilities of the EQuIS data management workflows as well as advanced tools for environmental scientists and engineers to review analytical chemistry, geology, and other environmental data.


All EQuIS workflows require EQuIS Schemas (databases) in SQL Server.


EQuIS Professional Login: Previous versions of Professional stored connection files in *.xml format. Once opened from the new backstage Open tab, Professional will automatically save the *.xml connection file as an .equis file. After opening .equis connection files, the Open file type default will update from *.xml to *.equis.


EQuIS Professional Connections: The .equis connection files may be saved to connect to a server only or they may specify a database as well as a facility, and the connection files may be opened directly rather than having to select and open from Professional. This flexibility replaces the Favorite connections used in Professional Version 6.