Create and Export XYZ Chart

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Create and Export XYZ Chart

XYZ Charts are three-variable charts: contour plots, dot plots, and surface plots, and are created by clicking the XYZ chart button on the report output toolbar in EQuIS Professional.


Create XYZ Chart


1.Open EQuIS Professional and connect to a database.

    The example inputs below are based on the Springfield demonstration database.

2.Click Reports.

3.Select the Analytical Results II Report and click Open.

4.Select Matrix=WG. Leave all other values as default (no selection).

5.Run the report by clicking Go and results will be returned in grid format.

6.Use the Filter button to select the value shown below.


7.To create an XYZ Chart, click XYZ Charts.

8.The XYZ Charts menu panel will be displayed on the right-hand side. Make the following selections:

a.Dataset: Analytical Results

b.X-Axis: X_COORD

c.Y-Axis: Y_COORD

d.Value: Result Numeric

e.Label: Default (No item selected)

f.Nearest Neighbor Interpolation: Defaults

9.Select Surface Plot to create the chart.

10.To change the aspect of the contour, do either of the following:

oClick and drag the chart.

oClick the Advanced tab and edit the values in the Aspect section.




Export XYZ Chart


Once an XYZ Plot has been created, the chart/data are available for export to the following formats using the export buttons on the toolbar (third-party software must be installed).


Microsoft Outlook

Google Earth

My Charts as a .jpg file

Surfer (by Golden Software)

oExporting to Surfer before creating the contour generates only the .dat file, so you can use your own gridding options (e.g. nearest neighbor, kriging etc.).

oExporting to Surfer after creating the contour generates the .dat, .grd (nearest neighbor interpolation), and the plotted contour. You can review the contour, then go back to the .dat file and change the gridding options, if desired.


Note: A Plus Graphics License is required for Surfer.