Build and Version Numbers

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Build and Version Numbers

The About screen from the EQuIS Professional Application menu backstage displays the different versions and builds for files within the installation. The initial default display is that of the EQuIS.exe file; however, a user can select different files from the list on the left to determine the version number for a specific file, such as a report.




Builds of EQuIS Professional Version 7 end in the year and calendar day of the build's release (yyddd). In the above screenshot with, the year of release was 2019 and the day was the 300th day of the year.


Starting in 2020, the year and quarter of the release are added into the build number. For example, the first release of EQuIS Professional in 2020 had the build number, following a numbering schema of [version].[yy].[q].[yyddd].