Data Viewing in Live

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Data Viewing in Live

Live data may be viewed using:

1.EQuIS Enterprise widgets (e.g., the Live widgets)

2.EQuIS Professional (by opening DT_LOGGER* tables)

3.Reports (e.g., the Live Date Series Data report, or a custom SQL Query Report)

4.EQuIS SQL Form



Adding Related Tables in EQuIS Professional


The easiest way to view and make sense of Live data in EQuIS Professional is by using related tables. For example:

1.Open the DT_LOGGER table. (Note: Admin ALS users can open all rows in database, while non-admin ALS users can only open all rows in [the selected] facility.)

2.Click in the blank space at the beginning of a row in DT_LOGGER so that a black triangle appears, and then right-click in this space.

3.Select Related Tables > Child Tables > DT_LOGGER_SERIES.

4.Expand the node that appears to the left of the rows in DT_LOGGER, and the related rows in DT_LOGGER_SERIES will appear.

5.Repeat Step 3 in the blank space area of the related rows from DT_LOGGER_SERIES to add DT_LOGGER_DATUM.

6.Continue by Pinning and Filtering your data.


The result of this exercise will show the related tables linked together at the bottom of the Tabular View of tables as shown in the image below:



Note: Non-admin ALS users can only view the DT_LOGGER_DATUM table as a child of the DT_LOGGER_SERIES table. The DT_LOGGER_DATUM table is excluded from the list of tables so that they can only view data for the selected facility.



Important Note: Non-admin ALS users cannot view the DT_LOGGER_DATUM table as a child of the DT_LOGGER_SERIES table in EQuIS Build 7.21.2 and later.

This is a known issue that will be fixed in a future EQuIS release.