Free Product Thickness Map Form

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Free Product Thickness Map Form

Form Name: Free Product Thickness Map

File Name: EarthSoft.Forms.Library.EnviroInsite.dll

Software: EQuIS Professional, EnviroInsite

Source: EnviroInsite install


Description: The Free Product Thickness Map Form generates maps featuring the elements outlined below.


Installation Instructions: The Free Product Thickness Map form is part of the EarthSoft.Forms.Library.EnviroInsite.dll assembly. This assembly is deployed into the EQuIS Professional installation directory when EnviroInsite is installed (C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS\ or (for per-user installation) %localappdata%\Programs\EarthSoft\EQuIS\). For non default installations, this assembly should be copied into the custom EQuIS Professional installation directory.



1.Basemap – For no map display, specify 'None'. Three basemap styles are available, drawn from online map or photo image sources. Visit linked sites for details.

Bing Maps (Aerial Photo)

Imagery (ArcGIS Aerial Photo)

Street Map (ArcGIS Map)

Topographic (ArcGIS Topo)

The base map boundaries (minimum and maximum northing and easting values) are initialized using the values of DT_FACILITY.X_MIN, DT_FACILITY.X_MAX, DT_FACILITY.Y_MIN, and DT_FACILITY.Y_MAX. If these DT_FACILITY fields are not populated, then the values are based on DT_COORDINATE.X_COORD and DT_COORDINATE.Y_COORD. If the values are in a latitude-longitude coordinate system, they will be converted to the display coordinate system.

Note the horizontal extent for the data query is not accessible from the Form parameter menu.

2.Posted Values – Measured analyte concentrations are posted within boxes connected by a leader to the sample locations.

3.Symbol Plots – Measured analyte concentrations are represented using symbols that are color-coded to indicate the concentration at the symbol location.

4.Contours – Isocontours are drawn based on values interpolated from measured values onto points on a rectangular grid. These contours may be either simple lines or with fill between the drawn lines.


Free product thickness values are calculated as the difference between WATER_LEVEL_DEPTH and LNAPL_DEPTH. It is important to populate LNAPL_DEPTH for all instances where the depth to free product has been measured. That would include for instance, trace measurements of product thickness or the absence of free product, where LNAPL_DEPTH should be entered as the same value as the WATER_LEVEL_DEPTH.


This form report requires that sample interval depths and elevations be associated with all measured data per instructions in this article.


The location of individual map components such as north arrow, map scale, legends, and posted values may be modified by dragging the items within the map interface and dropping them in their new locations.


Maps are plotted in UTM coordinates. EnviroInsite determines the coordinate system to be used based on the value in the EQuIS data field RT_COORD_TYPE.SRID. An SRID value of 4326 indicates that the coordinate values are in latitude-longitude coordinates. In that case the display coordinates will be in UTM, within the UTM zone at the center of the extent of the location positions. If the coordinates, are entered in latitude/longitude, then EnviroInsite will find the correct zone for those cases where the SRID value is not populated. SRID values starting with 326 are presumed to indicate UTM coordinates within the northern hemisphere. SRID values starting with 327 are presumed to indicate UTM coordinates within the southern hemisphere. The final two digits in either of these cases are taken to be the UTM longitudinal zone. State plane coordinates are not supported at this time.


Input Parameters: The following parameters may be selected from the standard EQuIS parameter selection interface. After the map has been generated, users may elect to double-click on individual components to bring up dialog boxes that allow for greater control of the plot contents than from the EQuIS report interface. Readers may find it useful to refer to the EnviroInsite documentation for a complete description of the generated object properties.





Contour Data?

Check to generate contours of the product thickness.

Plot Symbols?

Check to plot symbols that are color-coded based on the product thickness.

Post Values?

Check to post the product thickness at the measured locations.

Base Map

  Map Source and Style

Select from an aerial photo, map or topographic map from ArcGIS Online aerial photo. Select 'None' to not plot a base map.


  Minimum Easting

Enter the minimum easting value of the generated base map in UTM coordinates.

YES, unless 'None' selected for Map Source and Style

  Maximum Easting

Enter the maximum easting value of the generated base map in UTM coordinates.

YES, unless 'None' selected for Map Source and Style

  Minimum Northing

Enter the minimum northing value of the generated base map in UTM coordinates.

YES, unless 'None' selected for Map Source and Style

  Maximum Northing

Enter the minimum northing value of the generated base map in UTM coordinates.

YES, unless 'None' selected for Map Source and Style


  Aggregate Function

Select method to aggregate multiple product thicknesses at single location from mean, minimum, maximum, first, or last.



  Interval Values

Enter the contour and symbol interval values as comma-delimited list.

YES, if either Plot Symbols or Contour Data

  Digits after Decimal

Enter the number of digits after the decimal used in posted values and in legends of contour and symbol plots.


  Symbol Radius

Enter the symbol radius in map units.

YES, if Plot Symbols is selected

  Text Height

Enter the text height in map units.




Select from either line or fill contour styles.

YES, if Contour Data selected

  Interpolation Method

Select interpolation method used to estimate values on rectangular grid in process of generating contours.

YES, if Contour Data selected

  Kriging range value in
  east-west directions

Set the kriging range value used to specify horizontal persistence in east-west direction.

YES, if Contour Data selected

  Kriging range value in
  north-south directions

Set the kriging range value used to specify horizontal persistence in north-south direction

YES, if Contour Data selected

  Log Transform

Place check to carry out contour generating using log-transform of analyte concentrations. Useful for instances where concentration variation over multiple orders of magnitude.

  Percent Transparency

Enter percent transparency for fill contours.

YES, if Contour Data selected

  Minimum Easting

Enter the minimum easting value of the rectangular grid on which the contours are plotted.

YES, if Contour Data selected

  Maximum Easting

Enter the maximum easting value of the rectangular grid on which the contours are plotted.

YES, if Contour Data selected

  Minimum Northing

Enter the minimum northing value of the rectangular grid on which the contours are plotted.

YES, if Contour Data selected

  Maximum Northing

Enter the maximum northing value of the rectangular grid on which the contours are plotted.

YES, if Contour Data selected

  # of Grid Rows

# of Grid Rows

YES, if Contour Data selected

  # of Grid Columns

Enter the number of rectangular grid columns.

YES, if Contour Data selected

  Label Density

Enter the label density, where reduced densities result in fewer labels being placed.

YES, if Contour Data selected

  Skip Interval

Enter the skip interval that controls the contour intervals for which labels are generated. A value of 1 results in all contour lines being generated. A value of 2 results in every other contour line being labeled.

YES, if Contour Data selected




Enter individual locations to be plotted.



Enter one or more location groups.


  Date Range

     Start Date

Enter start date.


     End Date

Enter end date, where selection includes samples taken on either sample or end date.





Example Output: View the following example or contact