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Navigation:  EnviroInsite > Paper and Digital Output > Export >


Shapefiles of plan view and profile view map window images can be created by selecting File> Export> CAD/SHP to open the Save As dialog box. Select the shp file type and indicate the filename. Exported shapefiles contain the entire map window image, including portions of the window outside the current view.


EnviroInsite will generate independent files containing polylines, arcs, and points. The file content can be understood by looking at the file name. For example, sfilearcz.shp contains the arc objects and sfileptsz.shp contains the point objects and text strings. The points shapefile contains the text values as attributes. The file containing no particular type contains the polygon objects. Closed polylines, polyfaces, rectangles, and circles are saved to the polygon file. Line segments and open polylines are saved to the arcs file.


Shapefiles exported by EnviroInsite contain attributes that assist in loading these files into ArcMap. The attributes depend on the content of the shapefile and are listed in the tables below. Examine the attributes outside of ArcMap by opening the associated dbf files in Excel.  


Point File Attributes


Field Name




Internal object identifier

This may contain both descriptive information about the object and some internal identification used by the program.

Text String

Value of text string

Text string indicated if value is set. Otherwise, point should be drawn using point symbol.


Text height

Height is specified in world coordinates.


Text rotation

Rotation specified in radians, counter-clockwise.


Text style name as defined in EI

Horizontal Alignment

Indicates horizontal alignment relative to insertion point

6 - Center

0 - Left

2 - Right

Vertical Alignment

Indicates vertical alignment relative to insertion point

24 - Baseline

100 - Center

8 - Bottom

0 - Top


Color index

Internal color index (not reliable)


RGB macro value

This is the RGB macro color used by Windows. More information available at RBG Macro.


Windows font name


Indicates whether text is bold font

Value set to Y (bold) or N (not bold)


Indicates whether text is italicized

Value set to Y (italicized) or N (not italicized)


Red value

Red intensity on scale of 0 to 255


Green value

Green intensity on scale of 0 to 255


Blue value

Blue intensity on scale of 0 to 255


Polyline File and ARC File Attributes


Field Name




Object identifier

This may contain both descriptive information about the object and some internal identification used by the program.

Fill Mode

Determines whether polygon should be filled or left hollow

Value is either 1 for fill or 0 for hollow.


Outline color

This is the RGB macro color used by Windows. More information available at RBG Macro.


Fill color

This is the RGB macro color used by Windows. More info at RBG Macro.


Not used


Outline red value

Red intensity on scale of 0 to 255


Outline green value

Green intensity on scale of 0 to 255


Outline blue value

Blue intensity on scale of 0 to 255


Fill red value

Red intensity on scale of 0 to 255


Fill green value

Green intensity on scale of 0 to 255


Fill blue value

Blue intensity on scale of 0 to 255


Exporting CAD Files


Follow the steps below to export CAD Files in EnviroInsite.

1.Create spider diagram (aka data table).

2.Right-click on item in plot control window and select Explode (this eliminates the CAD blocks, which do not seem to be handled well in ArcMAP).

3.File > Export > CAD.

4.Select 2013 version CAD file (DWG or DXF), other versions may also work.

5.Select path where will be accessible by ArcMAP and enter file name.

