Enterprise Failed Login Notifications

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Enterprise Failed Login Notifications

Failed login attempts to EQuIS Enterprise logs are sent to the default log files. In some situations, an administrator may want to be notified of failed login attempts. Using the SmtpAppender functionality in log4net, EQuIS Enterprise can be configured to automatically send failed login notifications via email. In .\Enterprise7\bin\log4net.config, the <root> element applies to all loggers. However, the  specific loggers can be configured to use specific appenders.


To receive email alerts of failed login attempts:

1.On the application server, open the log4net.config file in the .\EarthSoft\Enterprise7\bin\ folder (open as Administrator to be able to save modifications to the file).

2.Using the values appropriate to your environment, add the SmtpAppender:


<appender name="MySmtpAppender" type="log4net.Appender.SmtpAppender">

   <to value="to@domain.com" />

   <from value="from@domain.com" />

   <subject value="EQuIS Enterprise - Failed Login Alert" />

   <smtpHost value="SMTPServer.domain.com" />

   <bufferSize value="1" />

   <lossy value="true" />

   <evaluator type="log4net.Core.LevelEvaluator">

       <threshold value="WARN"/>


   <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">

       <conversionPattern value="%newline%date [%thread] %-5level %logger [%property{NDC}] - %message%newline%newline%newline" />




3.Below <root>, add the following logger-specific configuration:


   <!-- Print only messages of level WARN or above in the package Com.Foo -->

   <logger name="EarthSoft.Common.log4net.SecurityLogger">

       <level value="WARN" />

       <appender-ref ref="MySmtpAppender" />



4.Save and close the log4net.config file.

5.Restart the Application Pool.


Note: The same process can be used to receive email alerts about errors in specific reports or other parts of the application. You can configure multiple SmtpAppenders within the same log4net.config file by giving each SmtpAppender a unique name (see Steps 2 and 3 above). For example, you may configure login failures to be sent to the administrator, and errors generated by a specific report to be sent to a developer.