Mapping Types - Mappings with Defaults

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Mapping Types - Mappings with Defaults

Defaults within table mappings are used when user input is not required in order to add a record. A default is declared by the default attribute in the field tag. Below is an excerpt from an EQuIS Format Definition (EFD) file that illustrates the use of default within a table mapping.


<edd:table mode="create" target="dt_location">


<edd:field source="sys_loc_code" target="sys_loc_code" />


           <edd:field default="m" target="units" />


... other fields omitted ...






<edd:table mode="lookup" target="dt_equipment">


           <edd:lookup source="equipment_code" target="equipment_code" />


           <edd:field default="SG" target="equipment_type" />

